By Anonymous - 18/04/2012 19:18 - United Kingdom - Eynsham

By Anonymous - 18/04/2012 19:18 - United Kingdom - Eynsham
By Anonymous - 31/12/2013 19:36 - United Kingdom - Aylesbury
By Pattie - 12/06/2015 06:50 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 07/03/2015 04:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/05/2023 22:00 - Germany - Buchholz in der Nordheide
By NairyAGoodIdea - 15/01/2015 21:05 - United States
By Nickolas - 31/12/2010 05:58 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/02/2013 17:57 - Canada - Fernie
By blahblah493 - 26/05/2011 04:15 - United States
By helpme - 15/07/2013 17:25 - Canada - Sudbury
By HaleyDrew08 - 26/06/2010 03:17 - United States
Worth it.
Until she has to do it again. I've often wondered. If a man shaves himself "down there", does that make him less of a man? My friends say that, but I don't know.....
No, it just makes your dick look bigger. Pro tip.
That isn't how it works, 29
Not a fan of men totally shaved. It had this unfortunate "adult baby" effect on the whole aesthetic experience. Just trim closely! You can have a little carpet and still feed your illusion of penis grandeur.
I agree with 38. I thinks trimming it is good from a guys perspective but leave shaving the whole thing to the **** stars
I agree with 38. Shaved balls feel weird.
48, your picture is of a woman.
80- Has a woman never touched your balls...
a woman most likely hasnt seen him naked at all.
It died when you started.
187, I disagree with you and only you
We didn't need to know about the second part and if you listen closely you can hear the sound of people not giving a damn.
203, just because that is how you feel does not make it a universal truth. Some people even like hair.
I bet stepping on a Lego is worse
First time has to be done by a professional!!
Try losing your virginity from getting your lady parts waxed... It's much worse.
First time has to be done while you're drunk...with a chainsaw. Trust me.
When you said " this guy" you mean't yourself right?
No he meant the other guy in his comment. ...Damn you people just leave yourselves open for sarcastic comments.
163, your pic is.......nicee, nice!, niccccccce,nicccccccccccccccce. LOL love south park
I misread your answer thinking you are replying to 83. Now *that* gave a weird impression...
Sounds like you had a fun time losing your virginity..
Hahahaha no. Rape isn't funny, asshat.
Nobody's laughing at rape, Anuscap. EDIT: well this is awkward...
Maybe it was not painful losing her virginity, so many things are more painful
Losing mine didn't hurt at all whatsoever.. I don't understand why it would.. I guess if you have never used a tampon or masturbated..but that's pretty uncommon..
Ur first must've been the size of ur pinky lol unless u were just
Omg xD
Most women (about 50-60%) do not bleed the first time and a lot do not feel pain, especially in countries where they aren't taught that they should except it to be bloody and painful. Mine didn't hurt and he was average-sized. Masturbating with more that one finger is possible for any women even if she's a virgin. You are not supposed to truly tear your hymen but stretch it. It is also not so thick and is quite elastic due to women producing estrogen. In most women (at the end of puberty especially) don't even have such a small opening. In most cases, bleeding is caused by tearing vaginal tissue (includind hymenal tissues which is a mucous membrane identical to the one inside your ******) because the penetration has been too rough though some women have more vascularized hymens/vaginas than others. As for the pain, it is usually caused by the fact that your vaginal nerves aren't used to being stimulated, which is why masturbation can help. Also, using lube, foreplay, going slowly and being relaxed is important. In rare cases, the entrance is too small or the hymen is thick, septate or has many little holes instead of one. This requires surgical removal to avoid painful sex. Also, scientific studies have found that there were actually no real difference between a virgin women and a sexually active women until she has given birth for the first time. Virgin can have torn hymen while sexually active women can have intact hymen. Pain during the first sexual intercourse should not be the norm, it is due to centuries of myth around the female sexuality. And by the way, yes a tampon can tear the hymen, especially when used during the year of menstruating since the hymen will be thicker (estrogens again, they change everything after a while). The use of a menstrual cup can also tear the hymen (especially during removal since it's wider than a tampon). Fingers can as well. Occasionally : sports, but it's rarer. Anyway, pain is not a sign of a successful first time with a good partner.
It still really depends on the girl, not so much on myths and how you feel about the situation, I for one was absolutely comfortable, relaxed, not even thinking if it would hurt or not, he was average size and went very slow but holy crap on a cracker was it painful! I did enjoy it a lot after a few minutes in but it was by far the worst pain so far. I suppose it's since I'm so tight ( to the point I gave up on the struggle of even ever using tampons), he actually TORE me a bit D: And don't give me crap about masturbation being supposedly helpful, if that were true I'd be 110% pain free -.-
No way.
Gee #4 I sure wish the fml said if it hurt or not
No, it felt like butterflies and rainbows.
Haha 10 your comment matches your pic
#4 Of course not! That couldn't be why it's an FML, could it?
Really? Do you just comment before reading the FML?
no shit Sherlock the FML specifically said it hurt but no. For future reference try reading the FML and grasping the full concept before commenting, better yet just don't comment at all
it needed to be done
Just because you can't handle the bush doesn't mean it needs to be cut.
It always hurts first time, you'll get great gasms on the second time.
I don't think OP will get "gasms" if she waxes again....
Uhm, tried a full body waxing last year....think I'll pass on doing that again, but I agree with Cosymonster, it must be different for everyone. Center of my chest was the worst, throat (never again!) was second, back of my triceps was third. Armpits wasn't enjoyable but tolerable and junk was just under that, at least for me it was. :p Tmi? Apologies to all, but this is fml, the land of never enough. ;) Cheers.
"Let's take a look at the burgina."
I've actually heard this term being used instead of ****** before...
Yeah, really. I can't imagine doing it by myself.
Um, what?^
Cute guinea pig by the way! I have 2 of them.
cheers 114. now I know I'm not the only south park fan on here.
Sounds like you had a fun time losing your virginity..
Worth it.