By Anonymous - 08/11/2014 20:36 - United States - Deland

Today, I tried to blackmail my dad by threatening to tell mom about the bong and weed he keeps hidden in the garage. Turns out she already knew about it and neither of them give a shit. Now I'm grounded until the new year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 981
You deserved it 38 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for being a little bitch

jazmin3012 28

"Today, I tried to blackmail my dad..." Instant YDI


Good parents are good. XD You totally deserve it.

YDI...didn't need to read the whole FML.

And medical marijuana bill didn't pass? I hope they voted.

Tell them to unground you and if they don't contact the police.

Look on the bright side. Even though YDI for being bitchy, it's almost the new year.

Demonyx 6

Forget the rat thing and the blackmailing of your parents. What made you think your mom didn't know? It's weed, not a meth pipe tucked away in his car or truck. Not a whole lot of people actually give a shit, if it's an otherwise responsible adult. The insult of suggesting your mom doesn't know who she married should be enough to get you grounded. They probably smoke together when they need to unwind from dealing with the type of fuckwad that tries that shit

Neve try to blackmail your parents never a good idea.

ChrisMora 16

Accidentally pressed "Your life sucks", you absolutely deserve it.