By Anonymous - 08/11/2014 20:36 - United States - Deland

Today, I tried to blackmail my dad by threatening to tell mom about the bong and weed he keeps hidden in the garage. Turns out she already knew about it and neither of them give a shit. Now I'm grounded until the new year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 981
You deserved it 38 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for being a little bitch

jazmin3012 28

"Today, I tried to blackmail my dad..." Instant YDI


Lucky, if that was the mob, you would probably been killed!

Idiot. It's just pot. There are way worse things out there.

If I was your dad, i would drive you into the woods and ditch you for being a whining bitch. FML isn't a place where you get to hear people tell you what you want to hear. It's a place where you're just going to be judged by is

LOL, you're such a little bitch.. you deserved it

I have no respect for blackmailers or rats. YDI. I'm glad you got grounded for that long.

If your parents are anything like my parents, the bong was hidden from YOU, idiot.

The big Q is: What did you do? Till the end of the year is a long time, so something tells me you didnt just stay out after curfew? :-)

They tried to BLACKMAIL their father. That is more than enough to deserve to be grounded till the new year.