By BadassNinja - 05/09/2009 16:22 - United States

Today, I tried to impress my girlfriend by punching through a piece of old drywall karate kid-style. As it turns out, the drywall was actually a thin piece of concrete. I now have a busted hand and a girlfriend with a new story to tell all her friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 799
You deserved it 51 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I tried to impress my girlfriend by punching...." YDI.


owow maybe next you can impress her by breaking bricks with your thick skull

It would NOT impress me if my boyfriend tried to punch through a wall. I'd probably roll my eyes at him and let him suffer.

lolbethanyxx 0

You lack in teh ninja skillz. ='( Haha. Kinda your fault, dude.

ReallyNeedsRehab 0

YDI for not knowing that it was concrete.

wow u r a pussy. its hella easy to punch through drywall. why dont u grow a pair and learn how to punch, maybe hit the gym? might wanna learn how to impress girls too.

Know what's funny? Before my first boyfriend asked me out, we were in a home maintenance class and we had to tear down drywall before we could start building. He told me later he was trying to impress me by tearing my group's drywall down for us. Sucks for you though. To everyone calling him a pussy (cough cough 66 cough cough) , he said it turned out to be concrete, not drywall, which is made of gypsum if I remember correctly, and IS easy to break through. No one can punch through concrete except Superman, and even he got a few scratches from it.

ur a ******* moron 4 2 reasons a. u tried to impress ur g.f by punching i mean wut is she 7? n b. ydi for not knowing the differnce between drywall and concrete.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

great job forming a sentence.

Wow dude i dont even know where to start... You're a ******* idiot mate. old enough to remember the karate kid movies, yet stupid enough to believe they are real. Impressive.