By thisrllysucks - 05/09/2009 14:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
Attempted romance
By ItRainedOutside - 06/01/2013 08:49 - United States - Saint Petersburg
By AdriBAMF - 17/10/2009 17:11 - United States
By Charon - 09/10/2009 22:11 - United States
By asshole - 02/10/2009 05:34 - United States
By promposer - 04/04/2016 18:55 - United States - Dobbs Ferry
By Kaeyne - 24/03/2009 15:41 - United States
By geekyteendisaster - 25/09/2018 07:30 - United States - Littleton
Noped outta there
By SmileEveryday - 17/03/2009 20:44 - United States
By hh. - 05/12/2014 21:13 - United States - Clear Lake
By SupaSu - 02/04/2009 05:35 - Canada
Top comments
Ugh that's harsh. I'm sorry that happened.
Doesn't sound too harsh to me - this FML guy sounds like a creep anyways. Who "loves" someone they don't even know? Besides, if she's not interested...she's not interested. Big whoop.
Well I agree with you on the fact no one uses it correctly but there is a difference between saying it to someone you're dating (even if you don't feel it) and saying it about some girl you have a crush on but have never talked to. I think #20 thought that was how this guy was, but it doesn't say if him and the girl are friends or not.
This is why I refuse to say "I love you" to anyone I've only been spending a little time with before anything gets serious; it's replaced with "I heart you", a less formal but still effective message.
heh. you do sound like a bitch. Why do you care? Do you plan on dating this guy?
i know! that was a sweet thing to do.
#48 Considering the girl I'm with right now actually thinks it's really cute and does it too, I'd say an explanation isn't needed. Although I gave the exact reason I just told you anyway, and she said it made perfect sense.
well, that could be true if you actually knew all of the teenagers in the world. which is impossible. and your judgement is irrelevent considering the FML has nothing to do about her thinking hes a creep. and dude (OP) sorry that happened. that girl shouldve been more respectful. shes not worth your time anyway.
Bringing in my two cents to this argument. Preparing TL;DR... First off, there isn't just romantic love. All kinds of love exists: Love of yourself, love of friends, love of family, love of the world, and the list goes on. You think the word "love" is tossed around carelessly, but you don't take into consideration that maybe someone can actually have a great passion for something without wanting to screw it silly. =/ Secondly, this is my take on "love:" There is a crush and there is what I'll call "initial love." To put it simply, a crush is (normally superficial) interest in someone, falsely labeled as love, and fades away with time. "Initial love" is actually loving someone someone... but at the same time, it's not quite love either, but it's still not a crush. You have two seeds. One is a crush, the other is initial love. You plant the crush outside, give it a bit of starting care, and then wait for it to take off on its own. It doesn't. Helping it (which would be your crush doing something that makes your interest flare) doesn't seem to work either. It's a dud. It's not going to grow, ever, and you eventually forget about it. Now you plant initial love, and give it its starting care. It grows, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but most definitely it does grow. Little things come around and make you give it special attention. Or maybe you try to suffocate the baby plant so that it won't grow... sometimes that's successful, sometimes it just keeps growing. The plant could die eventually, which could be years, or you could have to kill it yourself (the object of your initial love rejects you, or it doesn't work out, or something else along those lines happens). However, sometimes, you get aide for that plant... which would be that person you love. That nurtures it into a great and beautiful thing you two can share. The crush seed would never achieve that. Sappiness aside (HAH! SAP! PLANTS!), initial love can also be akin to an open wound. You could do nothing, and let is fester, ooze, and boil (never telling the person you have feelings for them), and let it eat and rot away at you. You could tell the person, and then they could spread the miracle ointment on it (they accept), or you'll have to amputate (they reject). If you amputate... sure, it sucks, but you do have other limbs to make up for it (more love to give), and you'll adjust to that with time (you'll be ready for romantic interest again). A crush is just a superficial wound that will go away on its own and causes little to no damage to you whatsoever. Do you see what I'm trying to say? You can love someone without dating them, it's just a kind of love that has potential to develop into full-blown love. Basically, I guess you could call it... a half love. I agree though that you can't really have "initial love" for someone you don't even know, but I didn't personally think it sounded like OP didn't know the girl, just he didn't know her as well as he hoped. That happens. But I can't declare crush or love on something like this since it's impossible to know the whole story until OP drops by... which they usually don't. Then again, "love" isn't exactly something that's easy to describe, is it? Not exactly something you can easily identify or calculate or anything. Damned humans and our higher level thinking, making some things as possible to catch and hold as air.
#104.. i cant believe i actually read all that. haha but it actually makes sense (:
I now fully understand why people cringe when I begin a (self-perceived as clever) speech of allegories and similes. FML
Oh, Ouch.
Aweeeh, What a buummmeer !
You should have just asked her instead of doing a scavenger hunt. And you should have led her on the hunt yourself at least. YDI
lol sucks for u
She doesn't sound worth loving man
Because a guy that "loves" her yet isn't with her, had his friend do the scavenger hunt, and then wanted to step in when it was all over to "claim" his love is a keeper? Sorry but that logic doesn't compute.
There are too many people like this on this site.
Thats an interesting way to ask someone to homecoming. Props for making it awesome I'm sorry you picked a bitch to ask.
Your fault. Why didn't you just go upto her and ask her?

You should have just asked her instead of doing a scavenger hunt. And you should have led her on the hunt yourself at least. YDI
Ugh that's harsh. I'm sorry that happened.