By Anonymous - 30/12/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I tried to prove to my girlfriend how much I've matured and that our relationship comes before anything else in my life. So I went to delete my character in World of Warcraft. I tried to confirm it, but I couldn't, breaking down in tears instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 356
You deserved it 31 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always a hard life for us video gamers. I empathize OP.

**** that! You shouldn't have to delete anything you don't want to man! If she can't accept that you play WOW or any other video game, she doesn't love you for who you are. Live your life how you want to! Not how she thinks it should be lived


I don't think she is right for you if she expects you to give up everything in your life to devote it to her. That isn't healthy.

I don't think she's right for many people at all if that's what she expects...

Crickety 6

I've been playing WoW for years and it has never caused any issue with my husband and I. Everything in moderation and stopping something you enjoy wouldn't be necessary.

Mackay92 14

I'll take you're girlfriend off of you're hands if you like?

Delete character.... When she's gone log into account management and undelete = EPIC WIN!!!

If she loves you, she won't make you delete your WOW character!

I hope she doesn't dump you for that

********. People are allowed to like whatever they like and it's okay and they should be able to do it without ridicule. OP likes playing games, you like to pull yourself, ... life goes on.

Can't decide if you're 12 or just have the maturity of a 12-year-old.