By oh dang /: - 25/05/2011 11:34

Today, I turned in an essay after staying up late to work on it. I was away when the teacher assigned it, so I'd asked my friend what the subject was. It transpires that she'd given me the wrong one, all because she was mad at me for not returning her pencil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 501
You deserved it 7 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Pencil's are very valuable things, especially if they are the ones with Hello Kitty drawn on the side.


should have given that bitch a pencil. bitches love pencils

jordangregs 3

you should brick her windows


you should stab her with her pencil and say " Here you go, have it back! Glad bitch!" :P

Must've been one damn nice pencil.

Ydi for saying transpires.. Doesn't even sound right you're obviously just trying to sound smart..

How dare you?! Of course that would upset anyone, poor pencil, being away from his owner for such a long time :(

Your life does suck, and I feel so sorry for you. But that's also kinda funny. LMAO I am so sorry.

I fell asleep while reading this for the third time. the first two times, I completely blanket out.