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By twiggygonegirl - 06/06/2017 22:00

Today, I updated my list of "quit smoking rewards" to include new clothes. New clothes to fit my new voluptuous body, because the question of how I used to stay thin has been answered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 862
You deserved it 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is this an FYL? YOU QUIT SMOKING! Congrats by the way. A healthy body is a happy body. Larger or not.

Dr.Pickles 10

Congrats girl! Rock your curves and your great smelling hair!


How is this an FYL? YOU QUIT SMOKING! Congrats by the way. A healthy body is a happy body. Larger or not.

crumpets 123 8

depends on the size, too big is unhealthy but smokers are an unhealthy thin. the weight she probably gained was the healthy weight.

Hey! You're quitting smoking! This is a great thing and you're doing yourself a favor! I'm happy for ya'

Dr.Pickles 10

Congrats girl! Rock your curves and your great smelling hair!

The problem is your mouth is used to the cigarettes. Without thinking, people just eat. If this is what's happening, try to be conscientious about what you eat. Buy healthier foods and snacks. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to give advice. I hope this helps. And congratulations on quitting.

mariri9206 32

Actually, it's because cigarettes lower your appetite.

mariri9206 32

But, yes, very good on OP for quitting smoking! You definitely did the right thing for your body and your health.

Apparently people who smoke weren't given dummies as a child or something, because it's all about mouth fixation. Got to have something in your mouth unconsciously, whether it's nails, a cigarette or food!

Smoking suppress appetite. You need a new fitness geared hobby to offset the added calories.

You may have replaced some of the gratification or distraction you achieved with cigarettes by eating. Doesn't mean smoking kept you thin, just means you need to work on the additional snacking like you worked on the smoking. Also, a few pounds have never killed anyone. Sometimes they are actually adding quite nicely to a new improved you and look really pretty.

mariri9206 32

Cigarettes curb your appetite. It's a big reason - or used to be a big reason - why models/actors smoked a lot. Because they had an image and body type to, like, maintain/fit the mold of and smoking was a way for them to not eat as much/often because they would smoke, not eat, and, therefore, not be hungry.

Lobby_Bee 17

Smoking causes your heart rate to raise which causes you to use up energy. Without smoking, you will burn less energy than before, thus getting fat. And also without smoking, your body works much more efficient. That means you will absorb foods better. Eat less or start working out more.

laurensaurus 15

Congratulations! You have shown that being skinny doesn't necessarily mean you're really healthy, which is such an important message to highlight. Work those new curves! X

Since I quit smoking, my weight has been very hard to control. I've had to completely change the way I eat. I've had good luck following The South Beach Diet. I wish you all the luck.