By Chin... uh.... - 10/05/2016 22:42 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I've learned two things. One, my Chinese cousins don't know much about the USA, and two, they now believe it's proper manners to shout, "FREEEEDOM" before ending a call with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 796
You deserved it 1 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay, OP. They're still pretty normal by American standards.


Glynnis62 13

Oh my God. That is awesome. xD

Um, it is proper etiquette to end every phone call in the United States of America with either shouting 'MURICA, FREEDOM, or the screech of a Bald Eagle.

Well, their not wrong. We do have FREEEDOM, embrace it OP.

Wait, they shouted freedom?? Everyone knows your supposed to end calls with an eagle screech!!

TacoCat15 10
JocieM 9

Why is this an FML? Its funny. I might start to end calls like this!

How is this a bad thing? FREEEEDOMMM!!!!