By iFail - 25/12/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, I waited anxiously until midnight to open my Christmas presents. As the clock struck midnight, I ran out into the living room, super-excited to open them, only to discover that everyone in our house had already opened theirs, and had all gone to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 980
You deserved it 5 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darkblue_13 0

is there no communication in your house? don't you open presents together? why would you open presents at midnight by yourself?


NotNegativeNews 0

What. What a horrible Christmas tradition and family. Jeeze, wait til morning, and wait until everyone is awake.

collegekid13 0

Why weren't you with your family?

my family open ours together in the morning and we always have done... even if we've just gotten home from midnight mass and it's one in the morning on christmas day we always go to bed, wake up and do it in the morning. =]

Coccinelle_fml 15

Why were you and the people in your house spending Christmas Eve in different rooms? You live with lame people.

sk8ergirl553 0

no offense but i official hate your stranger family

sk8ergirl553 0

my fam wakes up at 6 am. just so we can c the pretty lights

wow well they cheated opening them before christmas thats unethical

In some countries Christmas is celebrated on the 24th. Obviously not in the US, but where I come from (Germany) we always celebrate Christmas on the 24th. With gifts and all that jazz. The 25th is mostly a family day... Just spent together having fun with the gifts and eating goose.

Jedawg 3

what do you mean i live in america and most people around me celebrate christmas on the 24th. well i guess majority doesnt though

How messed up must your family situation be if you can't do a simple thing like spend Christmas together properly? My family has a rule that everyone has to be awake and unwrap presents in turn so that we can all appreciate and/or admire each other's presents. It's kind of tedious, but it gives us all time to be together and enjoy Christmas. I don't understand how some families let their kids run downstairs and open all their presents immediately without waiting for anybody else...

22cute 17

they should have a "who cares" vote on here