By Anonymous - 20/09/2010 14:58 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked in on my dad touching his knob, in the kitchen, while cooking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 326
You deserved it 4 004

Same thing different taste


he was making extra gravy! what are you complaining about?!? lol op fyl. But no one said you have to eat the food..

Tweety122888 0

oh man I would not want to be you

samanthadude 0

How would beating up a dog make anyone feel better? I really hope you don't own any pets. -.-

samanthadude 0

Maldito, the comments keep switching. ): My original comment was meant for SAMHAIN (#3).

zerobahamut03 2

I think the real question here is if he is a dilf? :)

Intentional double entendre, 20? If so, nicely done.

hahafylop 4

You better be 101... 103 beat me to it though...

ladies_man217 0

so what? I do this all the time

BallinJ 0

did u get him off and use his **** for seasoning?

he turned both the stove and himself on

#117 haha i watched that movie! im talking abt the girl in ur picture btw xD

platypussies 0

biscuits and gravy with extra gravy? hahahaaa

benny2465 0

for once u can't say ydi for not being in the kitchen....

152, I bet she's a damn site better looking than you seeing as your obviously too paranoid about your own looks to display a picture of yourself while bitching about other peoples appearences. Oh and great picture by the way been playing days upon days of call of duty recently while you smear your keyboard in gravy?? Even if you are the greatest looking guy in the world your not gonna get anyone with a terrible personality like yours. enjoy your cheeto's you smelly little virgin.

El_Mero_Mero 0

who the **** calls a dick "penis" whose calls it a "knob"??? lol

ForeverRealTx 0

Its just old man nut butter whats not to love!!

tweetbaby14 18

why does it seem like all British people call penises knobs? and OP ask him if he would like a hand or a mouth...

Guess you're not eating at home today. If I were you I'd go out and buy a nice cheeseburger :@

Kanvis78 0

Yea , where some teen was touching his knob while spitting on your burger?

Bet that was a fun moment. And by fun, I mean awkward.

ash14 0

^ and you're a ******* loser who needs to find something better to do than diss random people that didn't do anything to deserve it.

For a 30 year old, 152, you act suspiciously like a three year old.

FFML_314 11

What are you guys reading? I read "I'm a ******* douche." Then again, I'm fluent in stupid.

oops. lol, i'd never eat what he'd cook ever again

Oh gross!! I'd never eat at home again!!!!