By funnymanjoe - 14/09/2011 11:06 - United States
Same thing different taste
By holyshart - 05/06/2012 09:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/01/2017 04:00
By calliefml - 26/04/2009 06:13 - United States
By Annomymous - 23/01/2015 18:12 - United States - Clarkston
By KindaLooksLikeCocaine - 23/09/2015 23:56 - United States - San Francisco
By GonnaLockUpMySpices - 30/10/2015 01:34 - United States - San Francisco
By mario - 02/03/2019 19:00 - United States - Corvallis
Such a narc
By hatetheroommate - 16/04/2009 18:43 - United States
By a.white - 11/12/2013 11:58 - United States - Cheltenham
By lehonX9 - 06/06/2015 09:11 - Germany - Hanover
Top comments
Sounds like a cool way to smoke. I'll have to try it some time haha.
Like a boss.
How would that even work? You'd have to plug all the keys at once.
wish i wud have thought of tat
This one time at band camp...
**** you, Keevarou. OP, tell them to buy their own bong. Or you could have joined them. :)
My sister used to play bass clarinet, and it is impossible to plug all of the holes at once. Genius pot heads...
I played the bass clarinet also!! I guess if they used tape they could plug up all the holes at once, but I'm thinking that they didn't think that far in advance.
I believe Keevarou is entitled to his own everybody is. No need to say "**** you" unless you like looking like an asshat.
He just generalized that all stoners have no respect for other's possessions, which insulted me, because I'm very careful when handling other's items. That's why I said, "**** you."
I agree with Brianjman14. I'm a stoner, and I handle other people's belongings with extreme care. Generalizations are never right, no matter if it's about stoners, LGBT people, religions, music, etc. It's just not right.
Going to have to try this on my trombone. I'm going to get higher than the high F.
God damn ignorant assholes. STONERS AREN'T SYUPID AND WEED DOESNT MAKE YOU STUPID! From my experience, people who regularly drink heavily are tenfold more ****** up than casual weed smokers.
brianjman, I've seen lots of your comments and you're nothing but an idiotic brain-fried pothead with an obsession with mentioning how you smoke weed, and acting like a dumbass internet tough guy. don't bitch about getting some of the sass right back, hypocrite
You are wrong on four points. 1. I only ever say anything about me smoking weed on FMLs related to weed, and that's only after people make fun of stoners. I don't mention them in every comment I make. 2. Please explain how I act like an "internet tough guy." 3. I have maybe sassed once or twice, which I don't even remember from. 4. Please also explain how I am a hypocrite.
the weed's obviously gone to your head if you don't remember all the times you've cussed out the most innocent commenters, man. read up on it son, it's a common symptom. fire me a pm when you get your short term memory back on track, all right cheers man
Lmao. Niccee
Make sure its actually drugs, and not vanilla icecream.
178-weed cannot "go to your head" there are absolutely no long term effects of THC, especially mental changes. Its not crack. It impairs the brain's ability to function much less than alcohol or any other drugs. It actually heightens auditory and olfactory senses. Your ignorance on this subject is apparent.
189-BTW your grammar is HORRIFIC. Try using periods next time. Think all the way back to first grade...
Apples that's why they're there :)
T **** all u haring on stoners weed makes u stupid but only of u abuse it
You, sir, are an ass clown. Weed does in fact ruin your lungs, the tar input is actually much higher than that of a cigarette, but since they don't smoke as much, normally stoners can get away with minor damage. Try actually reading an article before posting such an asinine comment.
Yes, let's all go out and by an expensive instrument just to use it to *attempt* to smoke week. Seriously though. Just spend the money on pa nice glass piece or a plasma bong instead.
#110 and 114, I have a hard time believing that people who can't even respect a simple law can respect other's property. If you're willing to give the government the finger so blatantly, I'm sure you're more than willing to **** over individual people.
Most of the times you don't pick your roommates.
Nice choice of being a ******* moron
Dumbass, you don't choose your roommates!
How creative!
Wow I never thought to smoke that way. But they could have just hollowed out an apple and used that
The comes from the weed
Nice not sure how you would do that but it seems awesome
Well, your roommate is pretty inconsiderate.
But VERY creative!
That one time in band camp....
You can't hate on a brilliant idea, you have to give it to them on that one.
Woah a CoD playin Aussie girl??? 360 or PS3?
ps3, :) mum broke my xbox ages ago and haven't got a new one yet! but I don't mind either :)
Awesome, what's your psn? Maybe we can play sometime.
"I'm not really an average girl." - Average girls.
**** off
This is NOT a hook up site. So.... You "**** Off"
Wow old lady. You don't even belong in this conversation. And I'm not trying to "hook up" why don't you go nit something.
Don't be too harsh on poor crw817; he obviously mistyped. Easy mistake to make.
Except he's gonna smell like skunk at every band practice. Whenever he inhales at a rest, he's probably gonna get a huge whiff of ganja stink.
So I'll ruin something that's at least several hundred dollars of yours for a one time stupid use like wiping my ass. Then we'll see how good your mood is
Dude u have to change ur pic cuz it's pissing me off (I'm christian)
No dude, he doesn't have to do shit just because you say so. Try something called tolerance and forgiveness. Didn't someone else teach that too?
If you can't beet em join em
Nooo...If you can't beat them JOINT them.
That is so not cool it's not even funny. Really they would use YOUR several hundred dollar clarinet? I wish you well in finding new roommates OP =
Yeah. And I imagine that if he's pursuing this in college, he's playing a $6,000 horn. That's terrible, OP. If my sax was treated that way, I'd be beating some heads in.
Yeah. And I imagine that if he's pursuing this in college, he's playing a $6,000 horn. That's terrible, OP. If my sax was treated that way, I'd be beating some heads in.
we got it the first time cockman.
I agree, so disrespectful of the roommate... People these days...
Your all gay
Well it'll be more fun to play it now :)
There ya go, get some calli kush in it and play the **** out of it

Sounds like a cool way to smoke. I'll have to try it some time haha.
Were they playing it on a high note?