By anonymous - 16/10/2014 20:53 - United States - Canton
Same thing different taste
By robbyrabbit - 11/11/2010 07:41 - United States
By anti-peecleaner - 22/11/2010 22:35 - United States
By impatient amy - 27/01/2009 14:23 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 29/08/2009 01:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/03/2023 06:00 - Canada - Montréal
By Sonotsuave - 17/05/2019 01:00 - United States - Arlington
Drip drip drip
By Sophie - 07/06/2012 07:47 - United Kingdom
Best seat in the house
By Rachey - 10/09/2024 00:00 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 07/06/2016 07:45
By Anonymous - 22/05/2011 20:31 - United States
Top comments
A for effort..?
A for ass.- definition :2. A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.
#13: Or, y'know, a donkey...
Welshite I guess it could go either way. Please excuse my vulgarness.
vulgarity. that goes either way too :D
Nope usually shit gets flushed . Sorry to everyone .
As does my girlfriend :(
There's this thing called a water valve about 2 feet from where he was
It could be that the valve is just a knob that is seized up from disuse. They don't get used much and can be a real bitch to turn off.
maybe the VALVE was 3 feet away
Technically he didn't actually try, he just wanted to get out of the situation easily and made it look like he tried and at the same time tried to be funny
That sounds so cute. I bet you didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that point.
Why not both?
*Mexican music plays*
^ These comments just killed me. RIP icekitten14.
Man, I feel bad for you, but just keep in mind that one day, you will look back at this and laugh just as hard as the rest of us are laughing right now. Much love, FYL.
Ain't that a bitch... And a toilet...
OK, I get it when people call OP's boy/girlfriend a keeper when they do something funny or unexpected. It is a long shot to say that because of one simple action, but whatever, it's possible to understand. But seriously now, how can that moron be called a "keeper"?!? Keep him away from dogs and flooding toilets, that is...
It's called sarcasm.
I had that thought at the time but it seemed to be a little out of context... maybe it was just my sleeptime soreness of mind. Anyway, #29 photo matches her comment perfectly, just wanted to say o/
#25 Whoosh
Agreed! This is hilarious!

There's this thing called a water valve about 2 feet from where he was
A for effort..?