By stupid - 21/12/2010 15:21 - Ireland

Today, I walked to school in -5 degree weather, snow up to ankles, for an exam. The school had closed and warned all the parents, but mine didn't tell me, because it was "funnier". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 669
You deserved it 4 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha -5? wow you would not survive in Canada. It was -40°C a couple weeks ago

perdix 29

All the way up to your ankles? GASP! Maybe if you walked to school on your hands that would be impressive, but otherwise, you should omit that detail.


-5 degrees? Try going to school in -40 and they refuse to close, unless theres 5 feet of ******* snow. Grow some balls, like Canadians!

Funnier?! You could've gotten hypothermia! I don't know is they have a Social Services in Ireland, but if they do you need to give them a call.

I'm sorry OP. If this is how the school staff works, I suggest you lodge a complain and make them pay for your sufferings.

Don't move to Canada, we get snow up to our waists, and temperatures down to -45. We still have to walk to school in temperatures down to -35:-)

I'm sorry, I can't dredge up any sympathy for someone complaining about -5 temperatures.

Haha it's -25 outside right now in Canada, we still walk to school in thigh high snow.

It's because us Canadians are tough we know how to handle the cold lol

School closed for -5 degrees? You must be American, because if you used C not F, people would laugh at you.

I would not talk to them for like the rest of the week