By tired - 16/01/2013 19:02 - United States - Boston

Today, I walked up sixteen flights of stairs to my room to avoid the lift lines. When I was almost at the top, the fire alarm sounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 577
You deserved it 3 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysbored13 14

Your fat is going to get burned either way.

Good job OP that's the first step to a healthier life style.


KendallJ13 6

this would TOTALLY happen to me!!!!

mrperspire 4

see if you can get to the first floor before the fire department gets there

Well if your not fat then you'll be super skinny. This just cracks me up..

well, at least you didn't climb 16 staircases, get inside and get in the bath, only to have to drag your drowned-rat, half naked arse back downstairs! :) every cloud I guess.

qirde_15 5

yo mama so fat she burns lots of fats that triggered fire alarm system

Hey, at least you didn't get stuck in an elevator during a fire :D

You see Murphy is everywhere he loves you remind you of that.

The_Decider 8

You got some much needed exercise