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By stepknee - 14/10/2009 02:31 - United States

Today, we had a fire drill in my dorm, and I live on the 7th floor of my building. They shut the elevators down and I had to walk down 14 flights of steps. I shattered my kneecap last week. They turned the alarm off when I got to the first floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 604
You deserved it 2 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

elevators can be death traps in a real fire, and are reserved for the fire dept to use to fight the fire anyway. your RA/School staff should have been aware of your injury, and made a plan to help you, and any other resident with mobility/health issues to get whatever assistance needed to safely evacuate. try talking to the housing dept, or, if they are stubborn, contact the FD on the non-emergency line, and ask why the evac plan for the school doesn't address injured or disabled persons. if there is no plan, its a serious shortcoming that needs to be addressed. if they just forgot you, someone needs to get their butt chewed out.


Finally, a real FML. I feel bad for yah, but at teh same time I personally would've just not bothered trying. xD

Yeah, but at least once they turn off the alarm, the elevators will go back on. Hopefully.

dahlia_springs 0

wow, my dorm has fire drills like every other week, but that really sucks

LemonadePink 0

If it was just a drill, and you knew it was, you shouldn't have gone out of your way to do that in the first place...

It might be possible that he found out it was a drill after the fact. Or, like in my old dorm, during a drill the RA's would check every room on their floor to make sure you didnt try to skip the drill.

suckmorethanme 0

shouldn't use elevator during fire anyawy, quit complaining.

DoomJeff91 2

Yeah, they reserve it for the rich people.

suckmorethanme 0

Uh, they disable them so you don't get stuck and burn to death when the fire knocks out the electricity.

elevators can be death traps in a real fire, and are reserved for the fire dept to use to fight the fire anyway. your RA/School staff should have been aware of your injury, and made a plan to help you, and any other resident with mobility/health issues to get whatever assistance needed to safely evacuate. try talking to the housing dept, or, if they are stubborn, contact the FD on the non-emergency line, and ask why the evac plan for the school doesn't address injured or disabled persons. if there is no plan, its a serious shortcoming that needs to be addressed. if they just forgot you, someone needs to get their butt chewed out.

This. You might even consider to sue them. But that depends on how many years you still have to go there.

aero_fml 0

Wow.. you're going to sue them? People need to grow up

lheyra 0

..hmm.. then again, it would be a great help paying for the rest of their education. depending on how much the school costs. a friend of mine attends some univ. in Florida is paying 400K a semester...

if it was a real fire she could've why don't you grow up

48- that's horseshit. No one in their right mind would pay that much a semester.

One if u shattered your kneecap you would be in a wheelchair two if you where injured they would have made a special plan about it and three atleast where I am if you are caught in the building during a fire drill you get a felony no matter what. So, I say FAKE.

love the way you know everything about everyone. Do tell-what is your secret??

I shattered my kneecap and never used a wheelchair or crutches. I just had my leg in a splint the whole time. All you basically need to do is keep your leg straight and you can still walk everywhere - it's just a whole lot more awkward, and on stairs it's especially slow.

It really depends on how badly you shatter your kneecap but I still say fake.

haha if you really were you would have written it God retard

During fire drills~since, obviously, your RA knew you were injured~they SHOULD just check you as "out" or however they keep track~you need to stand in the stairwell landing and just wait. During a REAL fire, you're still supposed to wait (for as long as safely possible) in the stairwell landing and let the fire-rescue people evacuate you (and others with mobility issues~they have a special chair that can do stairs for just that purpose, and having a slowpoke on the stairs blocking the speedy exit of others can make a bad situation worse. I broke my knee winter 08 at school, this was the procedure outlined to me. I also got to use the special chair when the ambulance came (I couldn't walk, and I was on the top level of the parking garage) to take me to the hospital~it can do stairs and has special settings (it all has to do with the angle of the wheels and seat) so that you don't pick up a ton of speed going down inclines.

purplefrawggy 0

I live on the 16th floor of my dorm.