By tired - 16/01/2013 19:02 - United States - Boston

Today, I walked up sixteen flights of stairs to my room to avoid the lift lines. When I was almost at the top, the fire alarm sounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 577
You deserved it 3 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysbored13 14

Your fat is going to get burned either way.

Good job OP that's the first step to a healthier life style.


Sir_ND_Pity 35

At least OP is listening to their doctor after that embarassing visit! Good for you, OP

tmx90 5

Better than writing an FML about how you got stuck in a burning building.

Elevators are like sex - you can wait forever for it to get up, and the longer you wait for it, the more frustrated you get.

medichick 5

16 flights of stairs?? Yeah right!! No one can do that. Lol

you must have pretty poor health if you can't walk up that many stairs...

Don't be a weakling, its good exercise! Be glad you were not in the elevator your pansy ass would've had a panic attack and had to be taken to the hospital... All because of a little fear. Now go the gym and stop whining, jeez.

What the **** are you talking about? OP didn't say anything about fear. In fact, he said he walked up 16 flights of stairs. Learn to read, you illiterate twit, though I have a feeling that you'd still be an asshole.

Calm down bastard, it's not a matter of literacy or common sense. Hes just lacking on his scale of jokes.

Barbelo.... change your name to "The Situation"

Well the lift lines are only going to get longer once the alarms are off. Just take a breather before another long climb!

You don't use or wait for an elevator during a fire alarm... unless you have a death wish?

Well, I said once the alarms are off. Not sure about you, but I've always taken the elevators to go home after the alarm goes off!

Running DOWN the stairs shouldn't take much time. Even if that's 16 floors.

Guessing you took the lift back down after all that?

Suck it up at least you didn't miss the bus home and had to walk a 5K home after conditioning for high school soccer

people don;t call them lifts in Massachusetts

Is that so? You've asked every single person who lives there? Even the people who, oh I don't know, moved there from some other English-speaking country?