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By Anonymous - 14/12/2012 23:12 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, I wanted nothing more than to go home and get into bed. While I was unlocking my front door, the flimsy key snapped off inside the lock. A locksmith was called out, who did nothing but sadistically guffaw at my misfortune and crack sarcastic jokes as he undid the lock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 882
You deserved it 2 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're paying him to unlock the door, not to be quiet. That's extra.

Sinamoi 18

You should've seen the Italian plumber who came to my house. He had a huge nose and wore this weird red hat, and CONSTANTLY talked about "saving the princess". Such a strange fellow.


Misswildsides 22

I had this happen to me with my car. I was out shopping and I tried to unlock the door with the key, and it snapped right off. I was lucky though, a passerby was a mechanic and new how to fix it and got my broken key out.

I had to have a blacksmith take out my entire doorknob once because my key snapped and we couldn't get the other half out. Lets just say we ended up breaking more than just the doorknob... But sorry OP that sucks. My sympathy for you.

You could not pay him and then laugh at his misfortune?

and then he would sue her and laugh at her misfortune

Chill dude, that was clearly a joke... But apparantly that guy didn't know how to do his job since being friendly and respectful towards the customer is just as important as knowing how to fix the lock in my opinion. Locksmiths are really expensive so the least he could've done was to shut his mouth...

Refer to Doc's comment below. But you're right, it is rude of the locksmith because he started cracking sarcastic jokes when OP obviously wasn't in the mood. Doesn't mean he didn't do his job though.

You're paying him to unlock the door, not to be quiet. That's extra.

How much extra do you charge for operations without the sadistic guffawing, Doc?

No one cares about sadistic guffawing during an operation, they're out cold. They might care that the doctor doesn't leave something inside them that shouldn't be there, but they probably joke about that all of the time. You meant to ask, how much extra do the idiots have to pay to avoid the lecture (and becoming a blog post)?

thiscrazything 1

Well, at least you finally got in.

Well you're paying him to do the job just tell him it was an accident you'd had a long day and would prefer not to talk about it, it's better than just standing there and taking it...

Some people are just total fuckballs. Maybe the fact that you got an FML posted will cheer you up.

Fuckballs... I might use that sometime. However, an FML is the most rewarding thing of all rewards! Congratulations OP! Your door is now unlocked.

Sinamoi 18

You should've seen the Italian plumber who came to my house. He had a huge nose and wore this weird red hat, and CONSTANTLY talked about "saving the princess". Such a strange fellow.

I had the same fellow come by my house too. He kept trying to jump down my pipes, and jumping on my tortoise. I sent him on his way to save some "peach". He must really like fruit.

oh I think I know him is he really fat? and does he have a brother who is really tall and skinny, wears a green hat, and has an average sized nose

Sinamoi 18
R3DA55 6

You, Sinamoi, are made of awesome. Cheers!

KooLDooD121 0

That would be handy and all, but the key broke inside the lock.

I know how you feel OP. FYL. I had the same thing happen.