By Anonymous - 29/04/2013 07:25 - France

Today, I wanted revenge on my college's drinks machine. For the past two days, it forgot to release a cup before pouring my coffee. This time, I had planned ahead; I put my money in, entered the code, and quickly inserted my own cup. It gave me hot water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 507
You deserved it 48

Top comments

Wizardo 33

A.T.I - Artificial Troll Intelligence

perdix 29

Keep messing with the machine and soon it will dispense pee.


I would totally want to flip that machine over haha

I love the art style of this comic. And I am pretty sure I have had similar encounters with school vending machines.

haha that plan backfired and you got trolled

I'm confused as to why people voted "you deserved it". What, you think he did this to himself? I'm confused.

HighasaCloud 46

I know your pain. The coffee machine at my college often drops the cups at an angle and spills the coffee all over the outside of the cup and once it only poured literally a few drops into my cup before claiming to choose another selection. It didn't refund my money or let me buy something else with it.