By Anonymous - 29/04/2013 07:25 - France

Today, I wanted revenge on my college's drinks machine. For the past two days, it forgot to release a cup before pouring my coffee. This time, I had planned ahead; I put my money in, entered the code, and quickly inserted my own cup. It gave me hot water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 507
You deserved it 48

Top comments

Wizardo 33

A.T.I - Artificial Troll Intelligence

perdix 29

Keep messing with the machine and soon it will dispense pee.


You just gotta love how this was written. It's like you can make a movie out of this. "One man... one machine... one drink... one fate... Join our story as a parched college student faces off against a drink machine, for the last time. Who will win? Will the student get his coffee, or will he be served just desserts?" Thirst For Revenge.... Directed by Quentin Tarantino.

I would pay all of the money to see this movie.

astralvagan 20

How fitting of this were Tarantino's last movie before retirement

I would kill you in a dark alley, take that money, than use it to pay for my ticket to the movie.

Do you play college football? Please tell us you didn't use your groin cup for this?

Why would he do that? It's very unsanitary!

Where's u get nasty idea like that? Have you done it before?

*where'd* damned auto correct downy always work •'_'•

You got out smarted by a coffee machine! Lol

Duceswild99 19

Score: Coffee Machine 3 - You 0

So you know this machine is not working right? Well, find a different machine or call there hotline.

davek 36

Depending on the type of machine, it may have been giving you hot water all along. The cups are packed with coffee granules, chocolate powder etc. already in them. Inside the machine is a stack of cups for each drink option.

Bunny21 11

Hm I guess the third time wasn't the charm, lol sorry OP