By yellowjacket_34 - 13/11/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I was a TA watching the class take a test. I didn't realize that the projector was still on while I was searching the Internet. They watched me google "chronic itchy anus". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 799
You deserved it 54 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really, really tried to come up with something clever and witty to say here, but nothing's coming. The only thing I can do is shake my head. FYL, as well as the lives of your students. What an odd image to have of your TA.

imperfectclarity 0

Wipe yourself better after going to the bathroom. Then you won't itch as much.


At least you weren't searching for "Gianna getting rammed by huge ****"

Erindub 0

Wow now thats embarrassing! You should've played it off like you knew they could see it.

ROFL! serves you right for the carelessness xD I wish my Spanish teacher would do that, that would be perfect on my "10 reasons why Mrs. King should be fired" list =3

Tell the students you are starting a rock band and you were checking to see if someone had already chosen the name you wanted. Then start playing the air guitar. And don't scratch your butt.

MiniatureMayhem 0

I once saw a picture of my Spanish teacher shirtless.

Quit_Yer_Whining 0

Why the hell would you even look that stuff up while working at a school? Stupid on your part.

YDI for being dumb enough to research that at work/school.