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By Medication - 12/10/2013 15:31 - United States

Today, I went home after work with my best friend who I am also secretly in love with. We had a few drinks, were getting touchy, and one thing led to another. Before leaving, I got the courage to ask her out on a real date. Her only reply was, "I don't want to lose such a good friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 189
You deserved it 7 060

Medication tells us more.

I didn't have an account when I posted this, but I'm the OP, and honestly, during our drunken state, I mustered up enough sobriety to prevent things from going too far. I as well, didn't want to ruin things between us by having sex because I respected her too much, and wanted more than that. Was it the right thing to do, or was I just being a dumbass? One commenter was correct in stating that she was confused as to what she really wanted. Either way, we've talked it out, and moved over that. It's better anyways maybe, considering we both work together and I have to go on months long deployments with this girl, haha. :]


Jst4kicks 16
wantmeasandwich 26
JMichael 25

37- I get excited when I see a female that is not an animal. You know, I get tired of flirting with female tigers. it's hard being a tiger ;)

#44: Simple fix: change your profile picture.

Not if you wish for a serious relationship, #73.

OP's gonna need a shovel to get out of this hole..

ThatFancyPenn 18

OP can just ask her if she can hook him up with one of her friends and see if she wasn't just too scared to tell him the truth :)

mein_blut69 15

I didn't have an account when I posted this, but I'm the OP, and honestly, during our drunken state, I mustered up enough sobriety to prevent things from going too far. I as well, didn't want to ruin things between us by having sex because I respected her too much, and wanted more than that. Was it the right thing to do, or was I just being a dumbass? One commenter was correct in stating that she was confused as to what she really wanted. Either way, we've talked it out, and moved over that. It's better anyways maybe, considering we both work together and I have to go on months long deployments with this girl, haha. :]

It's really good to know that you respect her decision and you guys have moved on. Hopefully you'll find someone perfect for you soon! :)

XBurytheCastleX 25

I am very impressed that you didnt have sex with her. You are a real gentleman. I am sure she will come around soon. :P

jips5793 10

You know what your problem is? You're putting the pussy on a pedestal

129, you know what your problem is? You obviously don't have enough respect for women. I am not a feminist by any means, but I thoroughly believe that relationships work best when both parties respect each other. The OP is going to have more successful relationships than you ever will, simply because he is respectful and a gentleman.

you know what your problem is 193? dyslexia.

It's so sad that people have to make it known that they aren't a feminist just so they won't get torn apart by people who think feminism means that women want power over men.

Wow talk about being posesive of women. I bet the ladies love you.

I, personally, have had outragous luck with the friendzone OP. My 3 longest relationships started with me in the FZ. My husband originally FZd me. He has will-power issues (it was a short wait). The other two were school friends. I waited for 5 years for one and 3 years for the other. It was worth it. It may suck now but if you stick by her she may change her mindm And if you di, you will have a longlasting meaningful relationship because she will trust you. Good Luck OP.

Kudos for you for being mature enough to hold back and talk things out with her best of luck OP! I hope you both find someone that cares for you both :)

Too bad most, if not all replies to your message totally missed the joke. He definitely worships the Greek God Pussalia. +1

michaelaranda 28

your fml makes you sound like you had sex when you wrote "one thing led to another". good luck with whatever op.

\ 28

#195 - I call that "Feminazism."

Lol u quoted TheLonelyIsland's "I Just Had Sex"

Ah, the friend zone. A realm filled with handshakes and sideways hugs. Where fleeting dreams of romance come to wither and die. Kill yourself Op :)

Why when people want fuckbuddies do they always find the serial monogamists but when they want a relationship they find fuckbuddies.

165- that is so goddamned true that its not evwn funny. BTW, Op said they didnt jave sex.

omgitsmoe 26

Brutally inducted into the friend-zone

Translation: "I love you, but you disgust me sexually."

What a load of bollocks. Don't be so mean!

Your translation is more confusing...translation: I don't like you like that so I'm going to say this not hurt your ******* feelings.

TrinityNevada 11

I pretty well agree. I have several guy friends whom I like because they're safe. Safe meaning I don't have to have sex with them.

5 - OP said that "one thing led to another", so I'm going to assume that they did something sexual. I think you've got it backwards - translation: I don't mind ******* you; I just don't love you.

Well, that's what I've always meant when I've said stuff like that. And I wasn't really trying to be mean, or insinuate that OP is ugly or actually repulsive. I love my father and two brothers and also think they are all handsome men, however I am repulsed by them sexually. I've felt that way about a few guy friends I've had too. Then again, I've never fooled around with those people, so you guys make a good point. I don't know what the **** this girl's deal is then. Seems like a really cruel thing to do to a friend. I guess she's either confused about how she feels and is too emotionally stupid to realize what she's doing to him, or she's just a bitch and really doesn't give a shit about him at all.

She values your friendship a lot.. She's just scared that things will complicated if she gets involved with you.. But I know it sucks.. It's a lot of heartache.. Especially since you're gonna continue being friends

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Some people just don't want to be in a relationship. Maybe you guys can work out something to keep the foolery just between you two, but not be labeled as a girlfriend/boyfriend. Once you get the kinks worked out it's actually a pretty mutually beneficial relationship. The one thing I always liked about this type of situation is you guys won't be glued to one another fighting over stupid shit that happens when you actually are dating. Though, if you're attached to her in that type of way then I'd suggest not taking any of my advice. You'll just get hurt in the end. Hopefully one way it'll work out for you, OP. You just need to find the best way to go about it for the both of you.

MuppetMerkin 10

This guy is friend zoned so badly that he's got Stockholm syndrome.

MuppetMerkin 10

And by "this guy", I mean #6 (Abhi95)

Redoxx_fml 22

Friendzoned, but at least you had sex

Actually read the FML before you comment buddy

Yeah, totally. One thing led to another and they went ice fishing. Sex is clearly implied..

To be fair now, " thing led to another." implies sex. Edit: Beaten to it.

Redoxx_fml 22

^Yeah what they said. I mean he didn't explicitly say it but what else could it have led to? Trivial pursuit?

Zimmington 21

58- No, obviously a heated game of Monopoly

I apologize. I didn't read the FML before commenting. Please allow me to burn in hell please take pity on my soul.

allforyoux3 25

So you bitched at 7 for not reading the FML (which he obviously did), and then you admit to not reading it yourself? That makes SO much sense, 103.

#111 I meant I didn't read it closely enough. I probably shouldn't be fighting back in the comment section. I'll now accept my place of having 3 buried comments in 1 FML.

The funny thing is, even though the wording implies they had sex, OPs response (181) states they actually didn't.

Blast off in T-5 seconds. *ALARMS* TSSSHHHH. You have now landed in the Friend Zone. Expected survival time: 5 weeks, may your journey be an easy one!

5 weeks? More like 5 minutes. The "friend zone" is one of the harshest environments man has ever seen. Rivaled by only Antarctica and outer space.

And woman. I dominate the friend zone.

Dude. It's some bullshit. I've had the same problem. Just let it go. FYL, OP