By tgd4444 - 23/07/2011 10:29 - Malaysia
Same thing different taste
Unruly meets incompetence
By Anonymous - 14/10/2023 19:00 - United Kingdom
By goodgrief - 05/03/2013 05:08 - United States - Rio Rancho
Blankity Blank
By Anonymous - 17/01/2013 17:15 - United States - Savage
Underage boozing
By drunk under 18 teenager - 19/08/2014 13:37 - Morocco - Marrakech
By whatrights - 12/07/2009 08:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/03/2014 05:07 - Australia - Brighton
Cops don't do jokes
By Nightbird827 - 02/12/2015 14:34
By daisyann - 15/07/2009 23:55 - United States
By bustedfornuthin - 08/09/2010 04:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/12/2009 03:08 - United States
Top comments
Don't you need to actually invoke your rights? I don't think you can just sit there silently...
had the right to get your ass whipped too, obviously
the cake!
What's the minimum IQ for cops again?
Lol The 5th protects you from from self-incrimination. This is the most applicable while testifying in court. However, the caveat is that if you plead the 5th while testifying it'll be seen as an admission of guilt by the jury, even if it's "not supposed to work that way". And anyway, one's Miranda Rights are given when there is an intent to interrogate; your rights don't have to be read if there is not this intent. Most will do it anyway though, just in case.
Why in the hell did you get arrested, anyway?
**** cops.
You have a choice. The police cannot make you answer any questions nor can they be physically violent toward you if you don't. OPs rights were violated and I damn well hope they take it to court. Police brutality is never acceptable.