By tgd4444 - 23/07/2011 10:29 - Malaysia

Today, I was arrested. The policeman threw me to the ground because I wouldn't answer his questions. This was after he told me I had the "right to remain silent". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 426
You deserved it 8 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a choice. The police cannot make you answer any questions nor can they be physically violent toward you if you don't. OPs rights were violated and I damn well hope they take it to court. Police brutality is never acceptable.


no you dont. technically u are waiving your right to silence if u choose to answer any questions. u dont have to say shit.


Could've plead the 5th Amendment if you were in the U.S. Police are such fruits.

Sue the worthless pig.. Then publish his name, address and phone number.

perdix 29

You were "Mirandized" in Malaysia? That's an American concept. The cop must have watched too many American cop shows. In any case, the reality of having rights can only exist in advanced democracies, like the United States before Bush. A few such societies existed pre-9/11, but they've all become proper police states since then.