By NaKreen - 30/07/2012 22:21 - Sweden - Bor
Same thing different taste
By sillymink - 20/08/2016 02:06 - United States
Big tasty
By reisz618 - 31/05/2019 07:00
By Anonymous - 15/07/2012 19:09 - United States - Littleton
By eww - 13/06/2012 06:13 - Austria - Vienna
Don't mention it
By PoorGramps - 09/12/2009 07:39 - United States
The betrayal
By poopiter - 27/07/2013 18:31 - United States - Grand Junction
By aroman2312 - 06/09/2011 21:33 - United States
By deerling - 18/03/2019 06:00 - United States - Phoenix
Take a break
By Anonymous - 04/05/2024 07:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/09/2013 17:06 - Ireland - Donegal
Top comments
There still was an explosion in your pants.
Shit happens, this one you deserved.
You should probably get out more.
30- Explain to me why she deserved this?
this happens to me EVERY day!
47, op is a he.
52- Wow I'm an idiot. I need to get my facts straight first. I assumed it was a girl from the screaming part.
47- HE deserved it because this whole thing happened because of his Minecraft addiction.
78 you should try playing minecraft without getting addicted. It is very hard.
78- I've already admitted to my stupidity, there is no reason to take it any further.
78- I've already admitted to my stupidity, there is no reason to take it any further.
85/86 like your stupidity posting things twice. Ha
92- Cool your jets. You're no better than anyone else. He probably hit the send button twice, it takes a while to load sometimes -- and if you don't know to wait -- you double post.
I'm sorry about double posting also. It's the first time it's happened and I'm truly sorry... Why do I keep messing up in this FML. Jesus...
Man, imagine if creepers were real, the world would be a terrible place. Let your guard down for too long... sssSSSS *BOOM*. OP is just preparing for the creeper apocalypse, though I'm not so sure of his chances of survival.
#69, And I need to get my thumbs straight. I thumbed you up by mistake, and not just for getting OP's gender wrong.
AND they get stronger in the new update!!!
115 - I purposefully thumbed you down. And not just for accidentally thumbing 69 up -.-
81 - one of the many reasons I have never played minecraft, that and it looks boring to me
We can see the thumbs ourselves. No need to find out who's responsible for each one.
Whats a creeper
115- I thumbed you down too, but not by accident.
You never need to get out more!
I can totally relate op! Too funny!
Me too, my friend told me to put down a torch so he could see one night.
Thanks for the story.
American dad ftw
I can relate to this too. They are pretty frightening at first. game problems.
I have no idea what Minecraft is or what a creeper is so this story makes absolutely no sense to me. I guess that's just one of the drawbacks of not being a virgin...?
Yeah 169 way to go ahead and be a giant douche just so you know plenty of nonvirgins and girls play minecraft. So you make absolutely no sense to me, but I guess that's just one of the drawbacks of not being a colossal dumbass.
How the hell did you lose your virginity if your so damn ugly? @169
Well, in 169's 2-dimensional mind... that must make her a ****.
Drawbacks of not being a virgin ? What the hell ? Even I know what mine craft is and I'm not a virgin ... It has nothing to do with that and more to do with whether you like playing or not. Don't have to be a bitch about it.
Oh lighten up it was blatantly a joke. Unlike the personal attack on my appearance from 178 that gets thumbed up?!
Yeah it wasn't a very funny joke.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
You should've pulled out your pickaxe and built a wall around that shit. Creepers are serious business.
Yeah, hate it when they go through the open space in your roof, that you intended to use for sunlight because you have no glass or torches, then blow your shit up.
I hope you know that putting sand in a furnace on the computer also yields glass.
Apparently they are going to be even worse in v3.0
Apparently they are going to be even worse in v3.0
Oddly enough, I am most worried about the food in this FML. I hope your idiotic brother didn't pour his soda on the food. That would be such a waste of delicious bbq!
Not so secret anymore, eh?
Like garlic?
So you're implying adding sex to your burger will make it taste good. I better try that!
I was kind of thinking what perdix was.
I was kind of thinking what perdix was.
I was kind of thinking what perdix was.
Kylee do I let the meat marinate in the sperm first or add my garlic and then the fresh nipple milk?
I have an idea. Let's open a restaurant! I mean, what could go wrong. It'll be hard getting around the health inspector.
What if the inspectors gay? I assure you, I will not be takin one for the team.
No, you don't understand. I have anal tissue problems. Don't ask how I got the problems. I was very young and was exploring my body.
You still don't understand. There are places I just won't get stitches and never will. We will have to hope the inspector is either straight or lesbian.
It's all because you left us to wallow in the hole we just dug for ourselves. Thanks Perdix, thanks.
Agreed Perdix, agreed
Have you been lurking into our conversation also?
Whoa Whoa. Don't I have a say in this?
Well, guys, I do happen to be a health inspector, so I can rig things so that I just happen to be the restaurant's inspector every year. Oh, by the way, so you know, I like my steaks medium-raw with a touch of extra "special sauce", if you catch my drift.
4- Ahh, a woman after my own heart! Protect the meat! ;P Actually though, soda doesn't always ruin BBQ. Try marinating a steak in cola with sliced up kiwis on top for a few hours. Does surprising wonders for tenderizing. :)
#158 that sounds absolutely delicious! I absolutely love BBQ, and that marinade sounds like the meat would be very sweet tasting. I think some marinades make the meat taste too salty.
Haha read my mind. A waste of foods is a damn shame. Especially if it's steak or ribs. YUM!
I wonder what the grandma thought XD
Probably that her grandson needs some psychiatric help :)
*Grandsons (:
She was probably screaming about the creepers
I feel your pain, brother. At least you didn't have a diamond sword AND MOTHERFUCKING OBSIDIAN THAT YOU NEEDED TO MA- I've made my point. FYL.
No sarcasm intended here go on with this story you left in the middle of, leaving me stranded and confused.
Mkay then. I needed it for a Nether portal, and I got hopelessly lost looking for it after I respawned. *high fives Tobuscus fan*
No I'm more of a achievement hunter fan but still high fives Minecraft fan
You cannot afford ford ford my diamond sword sword sword!
I've never played minecraft before.
Yay Tobuscus fans *gives many high fives of epicosity*
I could feel the IQ points drain out of my ear with "epicosity".
Tobuscus is awesome, freakin' dangit
Instinctively screamed?? You scream during minecraft?
You've obviously never played minecraft on an intense level
I've never full blown screamed while playing, but I gotta admit, I've let out a few, "OH SH*T"s while playing..
-45 but your a girl most likely, and a Minecraft fan... How is this possible?
-60 I was just kidding I have friends that are girls that play Minecraft too. I don't mean this rudely if you read it that way.
I scream and have an arm spasm whenever a creeper explodes or a skeleton shoots at me.
56: Yes, I'm a girl, and I play video games. I play on the Xbox with my boyfriend and other guy friends, and I play other games on the computer. I don't consider myself a gamer though, I just like to play games in my free time..
On XBL I have a friend who's girlfriend plays on XBL they play Minecraft together and we play cod together.
i dont see how you cant scream or make irate noises when creepers explode xD
Who doesn't scream while playing Minecraft?!? Some of the scariest shit is when you turn a corner and a creeper is waiting for you.
When I first started playing Minecraft, irl I would be scared to go into the dark because of the creepers and such... --'
wouldn't you scream if you ran into a monster from a game in real life?
No the worse moments with creepers are when you just walk into your house after a successful mining trip and you realize the hard way how much lighting you actually need to keep mobs from spawning.
Dude. Yes. Scariest stuff man.
The scariest shit is when a creeper somehow gets into your house and blows up right in your face.
You know you're a gamer when...
U know you have a problem when... fail to spell out simple words such as "you".
I hope you have no babies in your family. mother ******* Ghasts.
Still not a good reason to shit in your pants.
You've obviously never played minecraft on an intense level
If you ever played minecraft, you know your instinct when you see a creeper is to either run or fight it like a man. They sneak up on you and destroy your buildings that take you hours to build, especially in caves where they can knock you off cliffs or into lava, and destroy all your valuable items. They're like one of the most hated enemies. Since OP was up against walking dynamite vs his fists, your instinct is to run, or in OP's case, shit.

There still was an explosion in your pants.
You should've pulled out your pickaxe and built a wall around that shit. Creepers are serious business.