By #MurrayShow - 27/02/2018 01:30

Today, my son was finally born. He was the perfect weight, as healthy as can be, and has his father’s dark, chocolate complexion. At least I’m guessing so, since both my wife and I are white. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 794
You deserved it 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Divorce her, found the real father, and dump them on him. Oh and make sure the cheating twit doesn't get a dime from you. Make the real dad pay for everything. Get out now.

I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. Did your wife really think that you'd believe the baby was yours once you saw him? Or maybe she was just hoping you were the father. Terrible situation for you.


Divorce her, found the real father, and dump them on him. Oh and make sure the cheating twit doesn't get a dime from you. Make the real dad pay for everything. Get out now.

Test first then dump. Depending on your family it may be yours. My cousin found out after he divorced his wife that our great great great grandmother was black.

thejimhawkins 13

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That’s incorrect. It is statistically unlikely but it might happen

Hellblazer_Sith 25

You obviously do not know genetics. Have a look at the documented cases of it happening. There has been cases across the world.

Not even close. There is no way a gene that far back and diluted with white genes would surface and be the dominant gene again.

peithecelt 28

yes it could happen... if there is mixed blood on both sides.

Sady_Ct 37

1/16th can throw a full Black kid. It happens alot in Aussie.

Yup. Our default DNA setting is 'melanin'--whiteness only evolved after people had been in Europe for ages, and even then, people still pop out melanin-toting babies. Get a test before you freak out.

I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. Did your wife really think that you'd believe the baby was yours once you saw him? Or maybe she was just hoping you were the father. Terrible situation for you.

Chris_1163187222 15

Your wifes a ****.. and now your gonna be stuck paying for it.. hope you dont live in a no fault state

Now now, c'mon. There is a small chance you could both have had black ancestors back in the 1700 or 1800s and junior just won a highly unlikely dice roll.

Hellblazer_Sith 25

It can happen that two white parents give birth to a black baby. There has been documented cases of it. I would get a DNA test first before walking away. This can skip so many generations.

Give us the names of those news articles that covered those cases because I have never heard of such a thing ever happening.

onceuponatime456 16

Google is your friend, stop being so lazy! Less than two minutes on google. There are hundreds more.

You should dna test first. My father is dark skinned with blue eyes. His parents are white with alot of his family having blond hair and blue eyes. None of my father's children or grandchildren inherited his skin color either.

Dark skin and black are two completely different things. A cousin of my bf looks like he would be Italian with his dark skin but his parents are white. But he is still white. Black and dark skinned are not the same. Dark skin most times means tanned. Again, huge difference.

Wtf are you even talking about? Yah, I'm sure "his son" got a good tan in his wife's uterus lmao.

gthang21 3

At least you know her deepest, darkest secret

Don't put your name on that birth certificate or you'll be responsible for that baby, legally. You don't want that if your marriage failes.

Not every relationship fails just because one of the partners cheated. Some try to work it out. Many succeed, but most fail eventually. If they want try, he should still cover his ass.

In some states it is automatically assumed that a child born in wedlock is the husband's. Unless the real father steps forward OP is going to be paying child support if they split.