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By Anon - 26/05/2009 17:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a mall. A woman stopped by me, said slowly and loudly, in Spanish "baño?" Knowing a bit of Spanish, I nodded and pointed the restrooms out for her. She then mutters about "dang Mexicans and their inability to speak English". I'm not even Latina. I'm Irish-American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 100
You deserved it 4 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL. That was your opportunity to tell her how much of a racist **** she is in plain English.

waxstigmata 0

what a sad and pathetic life she must live, don't worry, bad things tend to happen to people like that


Curtieeeez 0

at least she didn't bump into you and say "oops didn't see you against the white wall" :p

i happen to know a ginger mexican haha there are many around here

waxstigmata 0

what a sad and pathetic life she must live, don't worry, bad things tend to happen to people like that

my spanish teacher would flip she hates anything that sounds pregidous at all. actually sumtimes its kinda funny to watch

FHL. That was your opportunity to tell her how much of a racist **** she is in plain English.

haha ur awesome. and Irish people are awesome ;D

xNatsuki 0

You should have cursed her out and insulted her using big words that even she won't understand.

HAHA, for some reason this is one of the funniest things I've heard all day. Not only was that woman being racist, she was being a completely off-base racist.

You'd have thought the bright red hair might've been a clue

glamorous67 0

wtf she sounds like a bitch... and a prejudiced bitch at that... besides people of those two nationalities generally look very different maybe she should learn some about other cultures

singerguy18 0

wow... what a jerk! I agree with #3

anonymous0927 0

haha I would have walked into the bathroom and chewed her out while she was stuck on the pot :) that's really funny though, some people are so stupid.