By Anon - 26/05/2009 17:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a mall. A woman stopped by me, said slowly and loudly, in Spanish "baño?" Knowing a bit of Spanish, I nodded and pointed the restrooms out for her. She then mutters about "dang Mexicans and their inability to speak English". I'm not even Latina. I'm Irish-American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 087
You deserved it 4 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL. That was your opportunity to tell her how much of a racist **** she is in plain English.

waxstigmata 0

what a sad and pathetic life she must live, don't worry, bad things tend to happen to people like that


What a ignorant bitch she was. I would've said something.

Urgh.... I hate ignorance. You should have told her off in English, but you were probably shocked and didn't know how to react. I know I would be. And #30, you're almost as bad as that lady! "You fit the stereotype"...

stactai 0

Wow, she's an ignorant loser.

Ignorant people. Especially the fact that you're not even Hispanic, you don't deserve that. I live in Miami and Hispanic and sometimes that happens to me whenever I get out of the city. The best way to deal with that, in my opinion is just call her an ignorant asshole in clear English and see the look on her face.

#25- it was a joke. Not to be taken seriously. I'm a Cuban-American, and I am as pale as a ghost, and people are shocked to learn that I'm half-hispanic. Of course racial sterotypes aren't true, I was just kidding around.

SP63_fml 0

How the hell can some stupid bitch mistake Irish for Mexican? Cave her head in with a frozen potato

freerun4life97 0

I broke my toe with a frozen potato..

21ABC 0

What a bitch!. I'm Mexican and i would have flipped out on her. I have been here for not more than four years and i speak perfect english.