It's just a flesh wound!
By manhandled - 01/02/2012 18:05 - Canada

By manhandled - 01/02/2012 18:05 - Canada
By Anonymous - 14/12/2010 01:04 - United States
By LaLa - 09/01/2012 05:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/09/2015 05:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/05/2015 16:46 - United Kingdom - Loughton
By Ouch - 25/04/2011 19:31 - Canada
By chelse_elyce - 21/01/2015 04:10 - United States
By staciedee - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 30/06/2012 09:45
By sex sent me to the Er - 15/10/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 22/01/2012 18:06 - Canada
Should have punched him in the balls and asked if he still wanted to have sex
Men will be men.
I'm sorry OP, but i lol'ed at the last sentence. :D
this is likely how the cavemen did it
If you are vomiting and having a headache from a head injury, you need to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. A serious concussion/internal bleeding is extremely dangerous. Hope you're still alive....
I hate people who say "punch him in the balls and bla bla bla." Does that person know the pain that is caused by the groin being agitated? Not pretty dumbasses, now go **** a tree.
doesn't anyone remember a fml that was exactly like this one? excluding the vomiting bit.
vomiting after a head injury is sign of a concussion. sue the ************
Well said ... Shld have squashed his balls!
OP's boyfriend probably hoped the fall would knock her out, so he could finally try anal. Disappointed that she didn't, he went for all or nothing.
While your vomiting ask him if he wants a *******
Or a kiss.
2- you made me laugh so bad!! Thanks heaps!
I'll be here all week! And the week after that and the week after that god I need a life
op's bf status update: "OMG you guys gotta try this new thing.."
Sounds like a funky fetish.
Some people are into that
Aww ur to sweet :)
Tebow all the way!
What are you trying to get into her pants? Don't be a fuxking pussy
Love hurts.
What a dick.. Threw you over his shoulder, da ****? He should have just picked you up cradling you.. Now whenever he wants to light a fire you say "ehhh idk if I feel like getting knocked out today".
When a guy throws you over his shoulder it's actually so sexy and primal. Lol. cave man like.
Lazy bitch should of walked and none of this would of ever happened
@34 Well, speaking as a woman who likes 150-cubic-centimetre brains... I respectfully disagree.
No I agree with #34, in the heat of the moment, a bit on the wild side, oh so sexy. Apart if he drops you on your head...
It doesn't matter whether you enjoy it or not, its a perfectly acceptable method of carrying something or someone. Why the fuss?
Yes i agree with this guy
What a pain in the neck...
I see what you did there ;)
Did you now?
Ya see, it was such a complicated and original pun, that no normal human being could possible understand it. 74 simply wanted to brag about his intellect.
Omg cute :)
Hey, he might have a disgusting vomiting fetish...okay, no, that's disgusting. feel better and tell him, "No. "
Two girls one cup. Nuff said
From what I've heard, Two Girls One Cup caters to the scat fetishists, not the puke fetishists.
It contains enough of both to be an all-in-one package 64.
For my sanity, I decided not to watch it. I just read a synopsis on Wikipedia. Something about the layout takes all the 'eww' out of most things.
Nothing like a concussion right beforehand! Puke on him if you feel it again.
what a dick, you should've given him one nice hit between the legs.
Should have punched him in the balls and asked if he still wanted to have sex
While your vomiting ask him if he wants a *******