By DuckyKiller - 20/06/2009 12:11 - United States

Today, I was at a pond taking pictures with my new camera. I saw a mama duck leading her babies around and decided to get in closer to take a picture. Mama duck got spooked and led her babies too close to a waterfall escaping. One fell off. It never surfaced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 557
You deserved it 57 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'm gonna go with that the OP didn't try to follow the ducks towards the waterfall with a brand new camera. However... if this is the case then they are brainless and entirely at fault!

sometimes zoom doesn't always work well enough to take GOOD pictures. You either have to get closer or get one of those giant lenses, but if you do the latter it might be blurry.

Should've tried saving it. YDI for doing nothing. Turn off the flash too.

your new cam has a Zoom feature does it not?

lolzforfun228 3



spidergirl41 0

I'm sorry, but did the poster say he/she pushed the duckling off the waterfall? Did they drown the duck by hand? No, I didn't think so. All of you morons calling the poster a killer, well, your just showing off your stupidity. She/he took a picture and nature took the duckling. It's life. You can't possibly blame the poster for that. Animals that eat raw meat, cannot think, can't talk, can't construct things like us just can't be labeled in the same catagories as we humans. As a rule, we ARE higher on the food chain! I love animals. But saying they deserve more respect than human is silly, as well is blaming this person for killing a duckling when they didn't do a darn thing but try to take a photo. So please, go eat your veggies and quit bothering innocent people.

that_guy01 0

natural selection. Stupid duck got to close and fell off. No more stupid duck to pass his genes on. Nature's way of cutting the fat. ****** pansies

Okay while everyone else is arguing on here, I just have to say, the mental image of this FML made me laugh.

Dear god, my point of how stupid people are has been proved. Animals are easily frightened. It doesn't take much, and who said that op was up close to them (for people going "omgodzzzz its called zoom!")? Even at a good distance away, the duck could have gotten scared. Plus, zoom sucks on some cameras. The OP didn't try to scare them, nor did OP try to get the duck to fall and drown. I love animals as much as the next person, but seriously, getting on like you people are? Get over yourselves. And I bet half of you are hypocrites who don't mind killing bugs, and eat meat. Just because the baby duck is cute it's "oh my god, you murderer!". If it was some ugly animal I bet 90% of you wouldn't care. The duck probably would have died anyway. Maybe in a worse way. Maybe it would have been run over. Maybe ate by another animal. So there.