By fml...really - 27/11/2009 07:45 - United States

Today, we took the kids to the local pond near my sister-in-law's to feed the geese. I hadn't been there before, and thought I'd take a picture. I turned around to adjust my camera, but the geese, realizing the feast had ended, took flight. Before I could react I was showered with goose shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 476
You deserved it 4 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jw90 18

why do birds always seem to shit on human beings? someday we should just shit on them back and see how they like it. yea...that'll show em to poop on me.


that's a pretty shitty situation!! I'm so ******* punny and original!

Well this just means that you will have a shitload of good luck.

Maybe you should make it faster next time. First post.

Contrary to popular opinion, being first does not make you instantly cool and awesome. Looks like the geese launched a counter-attack.

@chris_fml1 Nobody gives a shit. Same with you #2 Wow, unlucky for you. The worst I've had is a pigeon crapping on my hands.

pattheaninal 9

Third. That sucks, well at least you got a shower =D

What!? They were just giving back. It is the circle of life!

its not that bad geese shit is very dry and solid, it comes off easily at least, unlike any other birds shit

I have sympathy for you, OP. My town has an abnormal amount of those ******* and they fly in a line in the sky around 200 ft long. Anytime someone sees them, they all know to duck and cover instinctively XD