By DuckyKiller - 20/06/2009 12:11 - United States

Today, I was at a pond taking pictures with my new camera. I saw a mama duck leading her babies around and decided to get in closer to take a picture. Mama duck got spooked and led her babies too close to a waterfall escaping. One fell off. It never surfaced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 557
You deserved it 57 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments


muffinsareyummy 1

i have peta on the line. they're coming after your ass, you animal killer.

supasqueak 0

....................thats just sad.

Well aint it more that fml for the duck? oO because it aint your kid oO

ahh you killed it ! what a poor duck.. btw you suck =.=

Don't worry, OP, I did something worse by mistake when I was about 13. I was mowing the lawn, not really paying attention to what may or may not have been in the tall grass...until I heard a CHUNK and pieces of rabbit hit my leg. I'm still not sure how I managed to hit it -- maybe it was already dead, or asleep? :- -- but that was pretty traumatizing too.

my friend and i followed a mother duck with her ducklings. the mother moved away quite fast and led 1 of the ducklings over a sewer drain. not being as big as the mother, it fell through. theres eels in the sewer pond..

HopelesslyKC 0

That happened to me but instead of a waterfall the baby duck was eated by a turtle.

poor Momma duck and baby duck :( that's depressing