By DuckyKiller - 20/06/2009 12:11 - United States

Today, I was at a pond taking pictures with my new camera. I saw a mama duck leading her babies around and decided to get in closer to take a picture. Mama duck got spooked and led her babies too close to a waterfall escaping. One fell off. It never surfaced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 557
You deserved it 57 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments


skiBOAT 0

It wasn't your fault that it went over the waterfall if your putting this on Fmylife then you must feel sorry for doing. So it seems like you are a nice person, and #47 is just ****** up.

Shizden 0

people read comment 51 stupid ******* saying she should die... really? alot of people eat animals. theres beef, chicken, turkey, pork, frog, duck, cat, salami, shrimp, octopus, fish, deer, mussels, and a lot more. i doubt youd tell any of them to go die except maybe the cat. it was an accident. its not like she tried to scare them and maybe she was zooming or her camera doesnt have zoom

Whoevers saying that this wuz funny, YOU ARE JERKS! OP: that's horrible.

My god u jerk ur supposed to leave the animals alone!

lab2lb 0

i find it really funny only because of how horrible it is. i would probably stand there in horror with my hands over my mouth, pondering the tragedy for about five to ten minutes. sad. but funny. messed up society..