By stargirl - 19/07/2011 00:36 - Canada

Today, I was at a restaurant with my son when he started to choke on his food. Panicked, I grabbed the closest drink I could reach and made him gulp it down. Only when I received tons of dirty looks from people at other tables did I realize I had given him beer. My son is 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 295
You deserved it 13 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mrmystery96 0

I say let the little bastard drink.

Jay1D 0

When someones choking you make them drink?


if you're choking, air can't get through. why would you think a coke could go down??

asianpersuasian2 9

well what were you supposed to do? let your kid choke to death? a little beer never hurt anybody

I don't see the problem: Drinking a bit of alcohol at the age of 8 is a totally different league of problem than choking to death. You did the right thing, you went for the bigger problem. That's excellent problem-solving talent you've got there! Some people seem to think that sober and dead is politically correct and socially acceptable, as opposed to ever so slightly intoxicated and alive.

PS: In other countries, this wouldn't be an issue at all. I'm pretty sure that the average French 8-year-old already has tasted some wine and lived to tell the tale. Sure, it should not be a regular drink (not even irregularly) at that age, but "dipping the tongue in", as we say in Germany, really doesn't hurt. (over here, beer experience starts early, of course)

um when someone choking u dont make them drink sonething that just makes so then their choking and gurgling the liquid u gave them nice job

david was already drunk when he went to the dentist!

PrimeStarscream 30

Well, it was give him a drink or he choked to death. Let those jerks stare.

YDI for bing a dumbass. You could have actually made it worse. Learn some first aid.

thisgirl313 0

If it was an accident then its not a big problem. Not he's gonna get drunk from one beer.

kitsune3 20

I can't entirely blame you, OP, but ever heard of the heimlich? You acted fast and that's good, and at least your kid is okay. Let the assholes think what they want. But maybe next time be ready to use other options.