By Anonymous - 17/11/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I was at home with slight constipation, so I took two laxatives. That's when my boyfriend called me, saying his parents are in town and want to have dinner tonight, this being the first time I've met them. I've already been on the toilet five times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 563
You deserved it 5 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eyehurts 0

sucks fyl but next time only take one?

Yeah, if it was just "slight" constipation, why take 2? Just take one and see how it goes.


ohh well :) You have to poop, you have to poop. Just wash after for god sakes :D Don't eat much too. It can trigger more. hehehe

Ok, for the ******* idiots saying girls don't take a crap, r u sooo stupid. Well obviously we do, we are humans 2 aren't we. I guess guys think we are non shiting humans.

*sigh* This is for you

Now make your wrist limp and hit your chest repeatedly.

FruityLoooons 8

OHHHHH MYYYY GAAAAWSH. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I hope you're not serious. I really do. :D Because if you are...just...just go sit in a corner or something. Like, right now.

Oh yeah? Get yerr bum on the toilet and prove that girls can shit.

cuddlebug92 0

That's nothing. i had a similar issue he day i planned on losing my virginity.

baby_gurl2405 0

wow...................... FAIL!!!!!!!!!

Call the parents and tell them you can't make it because you just took some pills and haven't got your shit together yet.

menarefrommars 0

at least you didnt take 18 of them. CKY3 but FYL that sucks

perhaps you should have just taken one? Anyway, why couldn't you just tell your BF you were sick and couldn't come out?