By Anonymous - 17/11/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I was at home with slight constipation, so I took two laxatives. That's when my boyfriend called me, saying his parents are in town and want to have dinner tonight, this being the first time I've met them. I've already been on the toilet five times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 559
You deserved it 5 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eyehurts 0

sucks fyl but next time only take one?

Yeah, if it was just "slight" constipation, why take 2? Just take one and see how it goes.


Ginger ale makes your stomach stop hurting but if she took two laxatives she is still going to have to crap which was the problem from the begining

GenerAlly I feel that everybody who has ever lived knows what diarrhea feels like so I'm sure his parents understood!

kimkim216 0

Dumb & dumber is all that comes to mind XD

j3ebrules 13

Well we can start with the two laxatives part. Did one not seem sufficient ?

LookAttMyyLifee 12

If it's slight constipation, I believe only one laxative is necessary.

why would you take 2? especially since it was slight constipation?

If you were only slightly constipated why would you take 2 laxatives? ydi