By Anonymous - 17/11/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I was at home with slight constipation, so I took two laxatives. That's when my boyfriend called me, saying his parents are in town and want to have dinner tonight, this being the first time I've met them. I've already been on the toilet five times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 559
You deserved it 5 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eyehurts 0

sucks fyl but next time only take one?

Yeah, if it was just "slight" constipation, why take 2? Just take one and see how it goes.


maybe he's gay because it's impossible for girls to poop.

Never take stimulant laxatives. Stool softeners are the way to go.

Silentknight 0

where will you be when your laxative kicks in?

You should have let your BF clear your poop shute.

You called a sick day for slight constipation? o_0 Sheesh, I'd hate to know what you do when you're seriously sick. YDI. There's no reason that this should stop you from rescheduling though. An FML this is most certainly not.

blindwhisper 0

if uve already been to the toilet 5 times ... how many times more u think u will need? crap will come to an end eventually >.>

Just tell him you feel unwell i can't make it. Simples.

well sice no one else said it i will be the one to say it... SHIT HAPPENS oh and btw OP next time you can't poop go for a run. trust me you can ask any runner or athlete that has running involved with their sport when you run you have to poop

i hate it when you take a girl on a date and she farts in the movie theatre.

It was only "slight constipation". You should have taken 1 laxative.