By Anonymous - 30/01/2014 00:52 - United States - Ithaca

Today, I was at my new boyfriend's house, and he was taking a shower. I had to take a crap real bad, but his apartment only has the one bathroom. I couldn't wait for him to finish, and ended having to shit in a plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 380
You deserved it 23 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

audreyfml1994 15

He probably would've stopped his shower for a minute so you could use the toilet. I know it may be embarrassing, especially with him being a new bf and all, but seriously? ******** in a bag?

iLike2Teabag 27

It's not that nasty. Everyone knows that when girls poop, glitter and pink fairy dust and a rainbow comes out. Right..?


how did you manage that? did you squat over a grocery bag? in his living room? kitchen? and what happened to the bag of shit?

JMichael 25

I would of just asked him if you could use the bathroom real quick and then let him continue his shower.

Why not use the crapper while he is in the shower?

I just cannot imagine that this was the best option?

tazmanmike2013 17

How about going to a local convenience store or has station? If he lives in an apartment I'm sure there's something with a public restroom close by. YDI definately

I don't think she would resort to ******** in a plastic bag if she had the time to go outside and browse local stores for a 5 star restroom... some people really hide their intelligence well.

You go to someones house a few times and you know where the stores are because you DRIVE passed them on the way there. You also sometimes stop at some to fill up gas tanks, buy a soda, get a snack. If you can't remember that you passed a gas station 2 blocks down the road then you have issues. And obviously quality of bathroom (5 star) isn't a concern if she's ******** in a bag.

No 5 star isn't a concern but I bet the 2 blocks were.

You could have just asked if you could use the toilet, instead of doing something so gross.

Can I just point out a lot of people are saying she is gross when the alternatives were; shit her pant's, shit on the floor, shit in the kitchen sink or shit out the window. I think that's a little grosser than crapping in a bag and I am assuming disposing of it.

There are a couple more alternatives: use his bathroom or use a public one. Using a bag is just pathetic and disgusting. I would rather use a construction port-a-potty over a bag.

I'm sure if you had knocked on the bathroom door and told him, I'm sure he would've let you use the toilet, unless he's a jerk.