By Anonymous - 30/01/2014 00:52 - United States - Ithaca

Today, I was at my new boyfriend's house, and he was taking a shower. I had to take a crap real bad, but his apartment only has the one bathroom. I couldn't wait for him to finish, and ended having to shit in a plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 380
You deserved it 23 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

audreyfml1994 15

He probably would've stopped his shower for a minute so you could use the toilet. I know it may be embarrassing, especially with him being a new bf and all, but seriously? ******** in a bag?

iLike2Teabag 27

It's not that nasty. Everyone knows that when girls poop, glitter and pink fairy dust and a rainbow comes out. Right..?


For all you guys saying she could have gone in a bush it is winter here in the US and with temps below freezing and subzero wind chills it is way too ******* cold outside to poo in a bush

It could be worse, OP. I once saw a couple on TV telling a story about their first date. They were going on a ski trip, and the woman had to pee, but they were nowhere near a restroom, so she had to pee on the side of the road. She leaned against the car bumper while she was peeing, and because it was so cold, her skin got stuck to the car. So the only safe way to get her unstuck without hurting her was for the man to pee on her to release her skin from the car. Now that is an awkward first date. They ended up getting married too.

if it was so cold wouldn't she have clothes on which would prevent her skin from getting stuck?

mia_marie01 11

Was there just not a restaurant or store or anything nearby?? Did you just not think about that? Oh well... Shit happens! (Excuse my bad pun)

Hope you didn't throw it in his garbage bin :|

Ok, next time just knock and tell him you have to shit. You might be embarrassed but he will be more grossed out that you shit in a plastic bag than using a toliet.

That's disgusting, I could've spent my whole life without that mental image. :/