By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 21:52 - United States

Today, I was at my senior dance dancing with this guy I really like. He was telling me how he likes a strong woman who's not afraid to make the first move. Empowered by what he said, I asked him out. He said no because he thinks girls shouldn't ask guys out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 065
You deserved it 5 094

Same thing different taste


I think his life is the one thats ******.

He's a contradicting loser who doesn't deserve you anyway. **** HIS life.

He's a contradicting loser who doesn't deserve you anyway. **** HIS life.

There's a difference between "making the first move" he could have just meant that as a sexual overtone.

its obvious all he wanted was to get laid you interpretted "first move" wronge

Im pretty sure by "Making the first move" he meant sex.

Strong woman...I hope you broke his balls and rearranged his speech.

I'm pretty sure that he didn't mean sex. He is simply an insecure teenager. What he meant was "I want the woman to make it perfectly clear that she wants me, so that I don't have to endanger my image and reputation by risking rejection, but then I still want to pretend I'm a man and be in control."

Amazing. You said that perfectly. Props to you bro

#15 and #17 may have figured out the answer to the riddle... The dude is still a douche, however: if #15 is right, then the guy's just lazy and sexually objectifies women, expecting them to serve him.