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By IcantDance! - 01/10/2012 16:05 - United States - Daphne

Today, although I can't dance, I decided to go to a club. A really cute girl asked me to dance, and I politely declined. She kept insisting, so I finally said okay. A few minutes in, she stopped, looked at me, and said, "If you're going to make fun of my dancing, I'm leaving." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 353
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She made you dance even when you didn't want to. Don't beat yourself up over it.

JustMery 9

Join the club. You're not the only one.


She made you dance even when you didn't want to. Don't beat yourself up over it.

Wow, I totally skipped a line in the FML and read "a really cute girl asked me to dance, and I said okay" so I thumbed you down because I thought "she didn't force him to do anything." but then I went back and saw my mistake.

JustMery 9

Join the club. You're not the only one.

JustMery 9

I think there are only a handful of people that are naturally good at dancing. The only kind of dancing I do is stepping back and forth and snapping with each step.

Hmm. So I'm not the only who calls it dancing. Thanks 23.

I just do the wiggly-arms-and-shake-your-hips dance with the occasional jumping up and down.

^ That, my friend, is meant for grocery stores.

Dancing is easy. Look into her eyes, have a big smile. And then step back and forth with the music. Very simple.

IQWasJustLowered 0

You can't go wrong with gangnam style

You can always go Salsa dancing - best dance ever. And once you get the hang of it - it's difficult to look silly.

I'm sorry OP. I got those 2 left feet two. Feel your pain.

People in clubs dance like idiots anyways

lacespace 8

You mean people in club dry hump like idiots?

unknown_user5566 26

18- You hit the nail on the head! I volunteered to a booth for the online high school I previously worked for once, and it was at a teen's dance in Tucson. The kids were dry humping, making out, and basically having sex on the dance floor. I felt that if the cops showed up, I would've been arrested for child ****. It's sad that adult dance clubs are really no different.

unknown_user5566 26

To work* a booth & for viewing* child ****. Sorry, apparently my brain was working faster than my fingers on that comment.

My mom and I deduced that in the future, dancing will be having sex on the dance floor. People are already having sex with clothes on the dance floor; in a couple of years, the clothes will be off. My wedding reception is going to be strictly waltzing. I will not have dry humping at my wedding. I've already avoided school dances because of the "grinding".

That's what I don't get. If I was doing that.. Well I think I'd want to be alone with them, if you know what I mean.... "...we don't make no party out of lovin..."

I am so glad I'm Hispanic. At least we get a variety of dance moves that we could do than just grinding on each other all the time

^ Sorry do you have legitimate proof of that? Because last time I checked dance moves weren't genetic.

They mean that, by being Hispanic, they have salsa dancing and Marege (have absolutely no idea how to spell that), as opposed to just rubbing each other's bodies. You know, fun dancing?

That's why I only dance to the Cupid Shuffle.

yousuck44 11

You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of...well just her, really.

thus doesn't really apply to anything

unknown_user5566 26

29- It does, actually. She was referring to the fact that the girl assumed OP was mocking her, when in reality he's just not a good dancer.

alexhaz64 4

Hey, just have fun with it. If she can't appreciate you and your terrible dance moves, she doesn't deserve you. Women like guys with confidence, so you should really just let loose and dance!