By JDBigDawg - 02/07/2012 07:23 - United States - Orange

Today, I was at the airport and I offered to help an elderly man carry his golf clubs. Apparently, I sounded sarcastic and condescending, because he started screaming at me about etiquette and manners in front of the entire airport. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 135
You deserved it 2 380

JDBigDawg tells us more.

JDBigDawg 0

THAT WAS THE AIRPORT. Wow nice guess!

Top comments

Wow, this sounds rough. You tried going about it the fair way, and at least you had the balls to help him and didn't club him when he yelled at you. I think you wood agree that it's always best to hole your tongue, of course, when you get trapped in this kind of situation. Hopefully you ironed things out and can putt this whole thing behind you.


Good for you for attempting to do the right thing, but this is just one more reinforcement of the old adage that "no good deed goes unpunished."

Wow, this sounds rough. You tried going about it the fair way, and at least you had the balls to help him and didn't club him when he yelled at you. I think you wood agree that it's always best to hole your tongue, of course, when you get trapped in this kind of situation. Hopefully you ironed things out and can putt this whole thing behind you.

Well Doc, it sounds like the old man tried to drive a wedge between them.

Doc, you seem awful chipper today. But what were you driving at? It wasn't out of bounds to offer to caddy for the man between terminals. A little bird told me that OP has an eagle eye when it comes to finding people in need. Offering to help was a stroke of genius.

Yeah that's tough.... Just put yourself in his shoes, he was prob embarrassed

I think it's a pride thing with old people. Like "I can still get around, you know!"

I've had the elderly get mad when I asked them if they wanted help out of the car or for me to carry their purse. I guess they think I'll rob them. A good slap in the face for being nice.

Why would you offer to carry their purse? That's a little too weird for me.

29- It's usually at church. We have a lot of steps and they like to grab onto the railing to steady themselves. They usually have a cane in the other hand.

perdix 29

The entire airport? Maybe one baggage carousel, and the adjacent ones, but no one in ticketing, security, at the gates and on the tarmac heard your public humiliation. Exaggerating is bad manners!

Some airports, what you described is the entire airport. Myrtle beach for example.

JDBigDawg 0

THAT WAS THE AIRPORT. Wow nice guess!

He's probably having trouble accepting the fact that he's getting older and doesn't want to give up his independence.

There's alot of mean rude people in this world, why do nice people get the rotten piece of the stick... I don't understand it... I'm just too nice of a human being to be rude or mean to a person especially if they done nothing but kindness from the heart!

fruitscup 4

Maybe he was demented lols