By Anonymous - 26/06/2012 22:04 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I was at the beach with my parents, and I went for a swim in the sea. I got out and my parents started laughing their asses off. It wasn't until my dad pulled a condom out of my hair that I realized what they were laughing at. My dad even took a picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 400
You deserved it 2 300

Same thing different taste


Hey i just met you And this is crazy But heres a condom **** me safely

Brilliant! But damn you! I had just managed to get that ******* song out of my head.

I love how British people say sea instead of ocean or beach. (:

TheElderTROLLZ 15

I love how some Americans are facinated with other people from different countries and How they speak or what words they use.

Or he/she could have meant SEA because theres things like SEAS, OCEANS, LAKES,ETC.

But those are three different things...

It was probably just some people advertising protected sex

TheElderTROLLZ 15

Upload the pic to Facebook :)

They should've told you it was a jellyfish, just for that reaction. But then it's actually a used prophylactic so, another reaction. Wasted potential...

TheElderTROLLZ 15
TheElderTROLLZ 15
shaka_Z_0929007 10

You know your parents might have planted it in your hair...just saying. Did you see how their suits looked when you came out?

I'm assuming you were swimming at a beach in New Jersey? I believe thats called Staton Island Whitefish.