By ZeroLuck - 16/08/2013 02:32 - United States - Miami

Today, I was at the gym when I noticed a girl I like working out on the elliptical. I went to go say hi, but chickened out and went to run on the treadmill in front of her instead. I was so nervous that I tripped and the machine threw me headfirst into her machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 070
You deserved it 8 943

Same thing different taste

First impressions

By Anonymous - 01/12/2024 15:00 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I joined a gym. I’m overweight and not very athletic, so I was nervous. I looked around and tried a treadmill. I start walking at a chill pace, then got ambitious and cranked it to a "light jog." Within seconds, I tripped, fell, and sent the emergency stop button flying across the room. The gym staff ran over and I swear someone said, “Well, at least he’s trying.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 115


Well dude at least you made an flying entrance. Next time try the more subtle approach, it goes as follows, hi how are you doing. I'm so and so

your treadmill put you in the perfect position to beg for her acceptance to go out with you.. now be an obedient little bitch and do it

If you get that nervous, try saying "hi" while passing by instead of walking up to her specifically to do that, for starters. Once you feel more comfortable, then you can try striking up a conversion. I guess it's too late for that now though! Hope she found you to be clumsily cute!

I saw "working out" and thought for sure this would be another one of those "and trying to impress her or seem cool" fml's. It's a refreshing change but Im sorry that happened, how embarrassing!

Epikouros 31

When I read "in front of her", I thought he was going to gas her.

At that point nothing could say would be worse so should of piped up with "I think i could fall for you" or any other shitty pick up line that hardly ever works

Evil_Wench 16

...And that, kids, is the story of how I met your mother!

That's quite the introduction. But, don't feel as if it ruined any chances you had.

ijames_hunt 8

atleast u got her number.....right?

I don't suggest you use a treadmill as your wingman again.

Just tell people "you met by accident"