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Smooth gym bro

By Dkim620 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was running on the treadmill at my local gym when I saw a girl I like a lot. I called out to her to say hi. As she was coming over, I accidentally stepped on the belt with one foot, crashed down on the treadmill, and continued to slide down in front of her, emerging with a gashed knee and arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 818
You deserved it 4 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roguedork19 8

This would be the perfect time to use one of those cheesy "I just fell for you" pickup lines ;)


Roguedork19 8

This would be the perfect time to use one of those cheesy "I just fell for you" pickup lines ;)

He should ask her if she wants to take a break because of how tired she must be from running through his mind all day.

Or get back up and ask her if she's okay. Once she asks what you're talking about, tell her that you thought it would hurt when an angel fell from heaven.

60- I couldn't help but think of Brick from Anchorman saying "You are invited to the pants party." after reading your comment.

iOceanus 18

I thought this said boobs when I first read it... anyone else, or is it just me?

Welcome to the Internet. Enjoy your stay.

Hey well that's not a FML that's a great story to tell everyone! Plus I'm sure she thought it was really funny and then proceeded to help you out haha. Think positive

Well it's something to laugh about later. Chin up, mate.

iOceanus 18

He might have had a tough time keeping his chin up while it was on the floor.

btstig 11

Walk that shit off. She probably laughed. The ice is broken.

iOceanus 18

Yeah, walk that shit off. I'm sure those gashes will heal in a few seconds.

Mine do, but I'm the cheerleader from Heroes.

iOceanus 18

23: Claire? You are totally hot, and the show you're on is awesome.

Okay I lied, I'm syler. I totally killed that bitch! Oh well, back to chopping off people upper skulls to take their powers!

pinkpixie06 11

Your physical wounds will most likely heal faster than the blow to your ego. But I think those usually hurt the most! Feel better soon! :)

Soooo, your letting OP know he feels bad? Okay then... Good talk.

sugarshane007 20

It seems that calamity has... befallen you.

Roguedork19 8

Clever play on words my friend.

It seems you have really fallen for this girl, huh?

BlueFlatts 20

Who knows, maybe she'll fall for OP too.

Op u probably blew it. Don't bother chasing after her you will only hurt yourself more.

Well that's incredibly pessimistic 30. I highly doubt there are that many girls out there that are that shallow.

30: If that blew it for him, she's not worth his time since it would mean she's insanely shallow... I doubt this affected his chances with her at all.

zingline89 18

Don't worry you can get back on track