By Anonymous - 11/07/2010 18:18 - United States

Today, I was at the movies with my boyfriend when I really had to pee. I tried to get out of the aisle in a hurry so I wouldn't disturb anyone when I tripped, landing on the people in the row in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 732
You deserved it 5 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Movie theater floors are full of surprises! Isn't it 'aisle'? Otherwise I don't know what kind of movie theaters they have in Cali :P


I'm not sure how I'd respond to having a cute young lady land in my lap during a movie. In general, having it "rain women" (or in this case a woman) in reality would be just too good to be true. And given the quality of your typical Hollywood movie, she wouldn't even have to be cute ... did you have a cuddle with the people you had just used as a cushion? Of course, if the movie was really intense, I probably wouldn't want an unexpected visit - no matter how cute she was (you did say you were cute, didn't you? :o)

this isn't an FML situation. if u had fallen on the people and then pissed on them that would b a FML situation.

Today right before I was going to make a move on my girlfriend at the movies some crazy person fell on me and ruined the moment

could have been worse you could have fallen over them and carried on falling over the other rows falling through the screen at the bottom peeing all over ending up in hospital with casts and that would have ruined a perfectly good movie

lolz how did you fall? or what di u trip over the carpet.

Haha, you'll never see those people again anyway.