By Anonymous - 11/07/2010 18:18 - United States

Today, I was at the movies with my boyfriend when I really had to pee. I tried to get out of the aisle in a hurry so I wouldn't disturb anyone when I tripped, landing on the people in the row in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 732
You deserved it 5 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Movie theater floors are full of surprises! Isn't it 'aisle'? Otherwise I don't know what kind of movie theaters they have in Cali :P


u should just relax and not care if ur in the way

i bet they were pretty pissed off.. err lets hope that didnt include on

Was it that necessary to let everyone know about your very intelligent and interesting comment?

so you fell It's not that bad and not fml worthy

at least u didn't pee then that would realy suck fml

xThatAsianGurlx 0

Haha I agree at least you didn't pee on them,,,, or did you?

squishy_pillow 0

how does that even happen? did you have a little vodka in your diet coke or did you wait nine days to pee? goodness gracious.