By YOURMOM - 31/12/2011 07:24 - United States

Today, I was at the park feeding nuts to some squirrels. One fell down my shirt and the next thing I know I'm being attacked by a squirrel that looked like it was on steroids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 057
You deserved it 6 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Qwertyuiip 0

Tell that son of a bitch who's boss.


RedCamaro10 0

I just pictured that in my head...and I laughed hysterically.

kaykay20 0

That sucks but not every day you hear about a squirrel following a nut down someone's shirt. Hilarious thoughI would have freaked too if that happened to me.

KiddNYC1O 20

"Squirrels in my Pants!" - Phineas and Ferb

its all fun and games until someone loses a nut

Comet_Candy 23

My first time reading this I thought it said "I was sitting at the park feeling my nuts." lol

I thought op met a squirrel fell down their shirt the first time I read it.