By oops - 19/04/2011 15:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 13/11/2012 11:34 - United States - Macungie
By NightHawk4926 - 09/09/2015 22:15 - United States - Las Vegas
By HazzaBoo - 07/08/2012 23:45 - United States
By justcomesnaturally - 04/11/2012 00:37 - United States - Danby
By HaliMali - 22/02/2015 18:21 - United States - Hastings
By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 21:31 - United States
By keerta_fml - 04/05/2017 02:00
By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 21:46 - United States - Tampa
By :| - 16/04/2011 02:04 - Canada
By groom - 12/12/2008 02:30 - France
Top comments
Or just cigarettes. Same diff.
Do you honestly think they'd be dumb enough to eat rat poison? That's your brilliant idea? Even if they couldn't read I'm pretty sure it's not that appealing and OP would have been worse off.
I think karma will hunt you all down for poisoning homeless people. as for op, she did her good deed.
I'm not suggesting that we poison them I just think this guy is delusional if he thinks that plan would work.
Do not give a homeless man rat poison it will only make him stronger, Trust me I know.......
Jokes are usually better if you put some thought into them. If he had said something about disguising it is some fashion or made it sound the least bit amusing then perhaps someone might have lol'd. j/s
61 lol WTF? it's not like he called himself a zipperhead
lmao 29 it took me a few minutes too
People, PEOPLE! Why are we debating about this? Obviously, you put the rat poison in the cigarettes, or in the apples. Duh.
iRiS890. I'll kick your ass in cod. lol haha
"Sitting with two others..."
Impossible! I simply do not lose :) I usually only play HC S&D or HCTDM. MW2 is where it's at, I very rarely put in Black Ops.
haha. ya true. all I play is headquarters or tdm. and mw2 is way better than black ops. I couldn't agree more. but I play both.
Headquarters makes me mad because people just camp to get kills and don't even bother with the objectives.
ya that's really gay. I'm not one of those people/noobs lol. I hate that shit. I haven't played in awhile so I probably suck but we should play some time. and I kno you're not suppose to talk on the comments but I'm on my phone for now lol.
give me the gamertags, your both going down ;)
black ops sucks
you buy the apples some syringes and the cyanide you inject the cyanide into the apples now they will eat it problem solved
BAN ME FML hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajjajajajajajjajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajjajajajabwabwahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaajajajajajajjajajajajajjahahahajahajahajjahajahajahahhahahahahahahhaajjajajajajajajajajjajahajajahajajajjajajajajabwaaaahhhhahahahahahahahahah JUST TRY TO BAN ME ahahahahhahahaha
**** u u piece of shit moderator
haha I miss that show
hahahah I laugh
19# it's called bumfights
oh god. homeless people are ungrateful bastards.
yeah i got nothin funny for this one. op that sucks man. wait WTF who buys someone a bag of apples?
Maybe there were apples nearby?
I seriously thought that since op was strange enough to buy apples (apples, WTF op?!) that the homeless people would throw them at op
uhh I'm pretty sure her grammar was right and yours was wrong. (sorry if I'm wrong in any way)
Exactly what I was thinking!!! OP is retarded...
gorram reavers.
took me five minutes to figure out what that read...
I hate it when that happens.

yeah i got nothin funny for this one. op that sucks man. wait WTF who buys someone a bag of apples?
haha that would have been an interesting sight