By Anonymous - 31/12/2013 18:22 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I was at work alone with a stomach bug. For some reason, our bathroom was out of toilet paper, so I had to quickly run to the nearest store to buy more, only to shit my pants midway there. I'm pretty sure the cashier knew exactly what had happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 190
You deserved it 4 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the cashier to mind his own business and leave your shit alone.

Sounds like you should have sacrifised a sock!


try Imodium that will stop that in 5 min. feel better

you were alone, could have used the sink. horrible, but ANYTHING is better than crapping your pants in the street.

josh_239 6

its alright OP you gambled and lost shit happens..